Around St. Blog's: March 2004 Archives

A Conservative Site for Peace


Stumbled in on this site and about three or four entries down there's a quote from Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity. That's enough to make my blogroll.

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Wonderful New (to me) Blog


Look at this wonderful blog by a resident of Ireland. It is truly a religious blog, focusing on religious and spiritual topics and providing rich articles and links. Please visit and say hello to this wonderful and gentle visitor.

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Another Reading Group

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Conducted by Father Shane Tharp at Ragemonkey. First book, the magnificent Meditations Before Mass by Romano Guardini. Go and join the discussion, it will be worthwhile.

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A Nightmare in the Making


T.S. O'Rama (q.v. for some amusing comments) directs our attention to this suggested design for a church in Napled, FL. for Ave Maria University. I can't begin to enumerate the problems with this, but I'll try.

1. First strong wind (and there's a goodly number of them here in Florida) the Crystal Palace will be reduced to Our Lady of the Pointy Shards. (How did this thing ever meet code in South Florida?)

2. I work in a glass building. It is never the right temperature. In summer we are all using space heaters and wearing sweaters int he morning and stripped down to our shorts (figuratively) in the afternoon.

3. It's just not very attractive for a church. I like opening the Church up to take in all creation, but I've seen better and more sensible ways to do it.

I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens with it. I'll pray for its success and for me to be, as is more often true than not, completely in the wrong.

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On Dark Night of the Soul


A blog that I have visited in the past (but don't read as often as I ought because of the blinding headaches I get from trying to deal with some of the difficulties presented by factions within Catholicism )Rerum Novarum presents an intensely interesting although very focused reading of Dark Night of the Soul. I found illuminating what Mr. McElhinney is saying, and have decided to visit the site more frequently.

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More Lawyers for St. Blogs

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I have to admit, I have a thing for legal blogs. Part of it is a discipline for me--I have a personal animus toward the profession as a whole, generally endorsing Shakespeare's solution to all the world's problems--"First Hang all the Lawyers." However, I know this is not the solution, and B.F. Skinner has shown us the way to face our fears, phobias, and hatreds is actually to face them.

In doing so, I have discovered how truly wrong I can be, about lawyers, but not necessarily about how law is conducted in the U.S. So my public apology to all lawyers who do not deserve the animus I occasionally allow to flare out. And my public commendation to those of St. Blogs--The Mighty Barrister, the Author of Crim Law, and now the gentlemen from the Tricoastal Commission. My apologies for casting aspersions on what should be one of the noblest of professions and for those lingering doubts that I just can't seem to get rid of. Allow me to express my deep appreciation for your presence here, helping me to understand the complexities of a field I too readily condense, simplify, and then despise. I have learned a tremendous amount and I am humbled for my previous arrogance. And I am really, really, really working on that deep-seated mistrust. You all help. Thanks.

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an excerpt:

God’s timing never fails to be amazing. Here we are in the middle of the season of Lent, following Jesus as He makes His way to Jerusalem and ultimately to His passion, and suddenly, as if a flashback in a film, we’re taken to where the story began.

This amplifies the pathos of the coming passion. We see a woman captivated by an angel, in love with God, saying, “Let it be unto to me as you say.” Mary’s eternal “Yes” resounds through time and through space as Jesus Christ becomes man and is born for us.

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An Interesting New Place to Visit


See The Song of the Golden Horn. The Blog of a classicist, soon-to-be medievalist. Full of interesting and occasionally bewildering (to my feeble mind) observations. Enjoy.

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What Is It About Poets

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That they can't seem to keep that same name more than a week at a time. First Dylan, now Thomas. But Thomas doesn't just change the name, he also has to move to an entirely new place each time--sheesh! Well, wherever he is, it is always interesting reading so take the time to greet him in his new abode.

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I Suppose I Shouldn't Be. . .


but I am amused.

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Thoroughly Modern Mary

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I am such an enemy of the big M that I refuse even to acknowledge his presence in anything other than this blurb; however, this delightful blog by a liberated and "with-it" female religious should prove both controversial and entertaining. Constructed by a man who appears to have infinitely expanding space/time chambers to write the night away. Well done and insightful.

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St Blogs Parish Hall


For those who have not already heard elsewhere, Mary Herboth of Every-New has set up a St. Blogs Parish Hall--a place for discussion and conversation. Please visit.

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Moving Days


Please welcome Father Keyes to his new home at St Blogs.

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On Not Talking Politics

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The dreadfully maladjusted T.S. O'Rama finds something risible about a thread going on at Disputations which is striving to knock Haloscan out of orbit without hacking. It is somewhat immodest of me to post this as I am involved in the discussion (at enormous length), but immodesty is the word of the day, and T.S. gave me a laugh. Thank you for noting our attempt at the longest non-political non-vituperative blog-exchange. Please mention us to Guiness next time you meet him.

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New Blog-Fidelis


Please join me in welcoming Fidelis a group blog stationed at

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On Abbot Vonier and other things


As Tom promised a little while ago, he has begun to comment on Abbot Vonier, and I recommend his comments to your attention. (You may need to scroll down as direct linking seems to be on the fritz right now--it's the post with A Key in the title).

Then make a point of reading all the posts above the one indicated and remembering to thank God in prayer that we have such a one in the community of St. Blogs. Tom is an immeasurable treasure (don't tell him I told you) and we are indeed fortunate that he is generous enough to share his gifts with us. Last Lent, I think he went on a blogging break and I just about went insane--a good thing Dylan was around at the time.

And speaking of Dylan--make certain you all are mentioning him every single day. We got Karen back through prayer, and now I want Dylan back, and if I don't get what I want, I will, like the Carmelite I am, sit down and pray about it some more. May not change God's mind, but it sure makes me feel a lot better.

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Science Fiction and Relgion

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Please visit Nathan at The Tower the newest resident.

Also, Revolution of Love has joined us.

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I don't know if Tom made this up (I suspect so.) But it is a wonderful distillation of our conversation in fact, I'm going to ask permission to reprint it here so it sticks around in my archives. Thanks Tom.

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Here. Most amusing. But please do keep the original lyrics as well--and say a little prayer for me. Thanks.

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Around St. Blog's category from March 2004.

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Around St. Blog's: April 2004 is the next archive.

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