Around St. Blog's: October 2007 Archives

Societas Scholasticorum


While it isn't in my line of things, this website generated by a group of DC area professors and students may be of interest to many readers.

I consider this kind of thing a really wonderful opportunity to those so inclined--for me it is a temptation to get wrapped up in my own intellect and spend all of my time perpetual gazing into the mirror of my own intellectual vanity (and believe me, I do too much of that as it is). So I have to stay away from such endeavors, even while heartily recommending them to those of firmer constitution than myself. Go and see if this is something that interests you and support them if so.


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Catholics for Ron Paul



On Mr. Paul, I have no coherent opinion--I offer this for those who are less than well-acquainted with this dark horse presidential candidate. Some things sound good, but others sound benighted. One would have to see how they played out and I'm not sure I'm willing to take the risk. But then, I don't suspect I'll get the chance--in which case his name makes as good a write-in as NOTA.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Around St. Blog's category from October 2007.

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