Recently in Prayer Requests and Reports Category

Times have been difficult here, and I thank you all for your prayers. Below is a summary I extracted from one note I've written in reply to some of the kind thoughts that have been sent to me:

With regard to me personally, I am all right. All went well with me and I've been assured that I am valued. With regard to the business, it was less bad than predicted--something like 10% rather than the rumored 30%. With regard to my department, it was much worse (in percentage) than predicted. We suffered something like a 40% loss. While that number is big, we were a small department, so few people were released and there are only two that I'm seriously concerned about financially--one a single mother of four with a husband who breaks into her house and steals things; the other a single woman in Boston. Please keep these women in your prayers. While the others all need prayers, as well, these are the two that weigh on my heart the most.

Please continue to pray for all of those, some of whom have been noted in the comments to my previous post, who have lost their jobs and who struggle to find work in the difficult economy of today. May God bless them and help them through the difficult times through the agency of people like ourselves. May He bless me and all the willing the the means and the desire to help those around us.

Thank you all for your concern and prayers, they carried me through a difficult time.

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Prayers Implored

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Please pray for me and for all of those who work with me. A critical event is looming that may mean the loss of jobs for many. Pray that it is as few as possible and those released soon find their way to safe harbor. Thank you.

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Prayer Request

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One near and dear to me undergoes surgery tomorrow to alleviate a long-standing ailment/difficulty. All surgery is serious, so there's no point in saying that it is not serious, but it doesn't tend to have a high complicatoin rate and it could yield a much better quality of life for the entire family.

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An Urgent Request for Prayers


My company has recently been acquired by another company in the same field. We know that there will be layoffs, and the strong suspicion and rumor is that they will be occurring perhaps as early as the end of this week, but certainly (the first wave) within two weeks. They are expected to affect between 13% (the company estimate) and 25% (the rumor going around) of the staff. While I have little reason to be concerned for myself, I'm very concerned for those around me. (And of course, I may just be an ostrich--in complete denial). Please pray for all of us as we go through this time--that the layoffs are less drastic than expected and that those who are let go are able to swiftly find gainful employment.

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Prayer Requests

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Mr. Core, late of blogging fame, requests our prayers and thoughts as he moves through what must be a difficult, frightening, and trying time in his career.

I request prayers for me and for all those with whom I work as we also move through some tumultuous times as we move toward a transformation of our company.

Thank you.

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Request for Prayers


I have an extremely important presentation to do today and an extremely important inquiry to make. Would you please remember the success of these two ventures in your prayers today?

Thank you

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Thank for Prayers for FiL


My Father-in-Law came home from the hospital yesterday. He's still recovering, but the worst of the problem seems to be under control. Continued prayers would be appreciated. Thank you all for adding your voices to the prayers for him.

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Please add my father-in-law to your daily intentions. He's in the hospital with a serious infection.

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