Prayer Requests and Reports: June 2003 Archives

Prayer Request Please pray for


Please pray for Katherine's mother. She was scheduled for some fairly serious surgery tomorrow, but was taken ill and taken to the hospital early this morning. As yet, no one is quite certain what is going on, so much prayer is needed.

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Prayers Needed


My very good friend Gordon goes for the last of a series of grueling interviews today. It is hoped that he will receive an offer and will be able to start ASAP. Please pray for this eventuality.

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Prayers Needed


If you do not already do so, please visit Our Lady of Loretto Carmelite Prayer Chapel and review the needs posted there over the last week. We have many parishioners, family members, and friends in need of healing prayers and the balm that comes from knowing that someone is concerned, loves them, and wishes to share the bounty of God's grace in prayer. I am among the number so much in need of prayers that my own ability to pray is impeded, so I request that all assist in shouldering this task. Thank you.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Prayer Requests and Reports category from June 2003.

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Prayer Requests and Reports: July 2003 is the next archive.

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