Prayer Requests and Reports: November 2004 Archives

According to a comment on Gerard 's blog

I am very sad to report that Gerard Bugge, my mother Sheila Pritchard's long-time friend and tenant, passed away peacefully last night at his home in Maryland.

Please pray for the repose of his soul. He is the ethereal Godfather of many of us.

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Prayer Requests


Please pray for Dylan.

Please pray for two friends who have started businesses and who are actively seeking clients and buyers. May God grant them success, and more importantly, may their work spread the love of God and the Kingdom of His grace everywhere throughout the world.

Please pray for one who does not know which way to turn or which way to go in the matter of her marriage, that God tells her gently and lovingly how to resolve all of the issues.

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Prayer Requests


Please pray for me and for a friend. We are both taking small steps on new roads (though slightly different in nature) and we both need the support of all the prayers we can get. Pray that these little steps will carry each of us on our way to the life that God has in mind for us--a life of selfless devotion to His beauty and goodness--a life given in service to all around us.

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Prayer Requests


Please continue to pray for Dylan--I keep hoping he will return.

Please pray for the needs of the people who make up St. Blogs.

Please pray especially for those who have troubled marriages, for those who have difficulty communicating their wants and needs, for those who feel lost and at sea and who live in constant turmoil.

Please pray for the success of 3 different business ventures, the welfare of several families may hinge on it.

And God bless all of you who remember the needs of others in the course of your own busy lives.

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Prayer Requests

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Please pray for a special intention, concern that birddogs me today.

Please pray for troubled marriages and for the communication gaps that too easily contribute to them.

Please pray for those out of work, and those working in new fields with which they are not yet comfortable.

And please pray for a friend of mine who is entering a new field and who is uncertain of her ability to cope, of her desire to do it, and of her capacity to deal with all the surrounding issues.

Thank you all. May God bless your generosity.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Prayer Requests and Reports category from November 2004.

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