Around St. Blog's: August 2003 Archives

After too long a silence.


After too long a silence. . .

John da Fiesole at Disputations is back. . . in spades. Some wonderful reading there today--but then you already know that, don't you?

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Great Post on God's Presence


Great Post on God's Presence

From T.S. O'Rama.

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Some Interesting Corners of the


Some Interesting Corners of the Blogworld

Now, here's an interesting little place I stumbled across this morning. I don't how many of the opinions here I'm likely to agree with; however, it the goal is succinctly stated in the group name, I'm right there with them: Epivalothanasia: Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia (CURE). God grant success to such a mission.

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Another Praise Moment Once again


Another Praise Moment

Once again I marvel at the wonderful and interesting work done in St. Blog's. Witness the work of Against the Grain, a blog with always reasonable comment by a person who seems to take the task of commenting quite seriously. Go there and enjoy!

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From an Eastern Catholic


From an Eastern Catholic

An interesting blog with a perspective from the East, Katolik Shinja. If I read aright, the blogger is not Korean himself, but lives in Korea or Corea (before they make this change, I would suggest that the hierarchy read about Huntington's Corea). It provides a breeze from the east and a perspective not often seen in our bloglands.

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Mr Gonzalez Reminds Us


Mr Gonzalez Reminds Us

I thought everyone knew--our machines were out at work because of it--there is a really nasty worm making the rounds, largely designed to launch a DDOS attack on Microsoft (distributed denial of service). It infects Windows 2000 and Windows XP by exploiting a port problem, so you don't even need to load an executable. A patch has existed since mid-July that corrects the problem. Get it at here before infection. If you have strange things happening on your computer you may need to take the next step and get the Fixblast exectutable from

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On Disputations


On Disputations

While Mr. da Fiesole's blog is always entertaining and interesting, parties in the blog world wonder when summer will ever be over and we can return to school. Here in the south, where things are not judged by temperature alone, we are inclined to believe that summer has expired. (After all, my child started Kindergarten this morning). So, we stand by waiting, seemingly patient, and trying hard, but the tap, tap, tap you hear is the toe of my boot, hidden discretely, by my Carmelite habit.

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Alicia Has a New Home


Alicia Has a New Home

Here is the new Fructus Ventris establishment. Please drop in and make the house-warming an example of rousing St. Blog's hospitality.

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We Are Reintegrated


We Are Reintegrated

Jack at Integrity asked me to let everyone know that he's back on board. Welcome back, Jack.

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Ceux-ci m'amuse


Ceux-ci m'amuse

This at Disputations. (The first entry for today if direct linking continues to not work)

This at Apologia

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New BlogRoll


New BlogRoll Things

I've added a lot to my blogroll recently, but I just wanted to mention two additions.

Thanks to the sober, temperate, and even-handed Mr. Kevin Miller, I have added Heart, Mind & Strength to the Blogroll. At times in the past there was a trifle too much silliness for my taste, but Mr. Miller's writing along with some other features make it worth wading through. (Though truth to tell, I have not seen much silliness in the parts I've been able to get through.)

I've also added a link to a page of publications by one of my very favorites--Archbishop Charles Chaput, long may he live and serve his Church. By such men is the Church made a more holy place.

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Around St. Blog's category from August 2003.

Around St. Blog's: July 2003 is the previous archive.

Around St. Blog's: September 2003 is the next archive.

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