Around St. Blog's: August 2004 Archives


My only hope is that it is as rich and as rewarding as the conversations that Mr. Perry has initiated and continued over here. I suppose it means less frequent conversations here, but that's all to the good I suppose. Perhaps he'll give us an overview of an exciting book I found at the library this afternoon--Benoit Mandelbrot's analysis of the fractal nature of the stock market. Hope it's as much fun as fractals normally tend to be.

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I Delight in the New Voices

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joining St. Blog's at every turn--the one I found this morning (thanks to a comment) Scribblins. Joining us from that most Catholic of States--Alabama. Don't snicker, both Mother Angelica and Lee Ann are there--it's Catholic enough for me, and now I am certain of at least three more (I saw Mr. Jennings, his Sponsor Mr. Smith, and a Priest in photographs--so I know there's at least three!)

Thank you sir for leaving a comment, sometimes it's the only way I get out and about.

Go and enjoy.

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Amanda, who already has one excellent blog, has opened another, Through the Narrow Gate, dedicated to the glories and promulgation of the Tridentine Mass. I'd settle for having the Bishop approve a regular Novus Ordo. I'm told that we recently had one Tridentine Mass celebrated somewhere in the diocese. The first I had heard of in my nine years here. Pray for a change in our Ordinary's attitude toward this form of the Mass. I don't know that I'd go all the time, but I'd sure like the opportunity to experience it and decide.

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And as a result I don't get to saying more about the places I visit. The most recent entries at Cow-Pi Journal are well worth your attention! Some interesting poems, anecdotes (see Words and Music) and insights. Sorry it takes me so long to make the rounds and note what's going on. Someday the fog will clear from my head--by that time I probably won't be blogging.

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A Blog New to Me

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For people interested in Homeschooling--theory and practice, you may want to visit Effervescence.

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