Around St. Blog's: February 2006 Archives

From Summa Minutiae


Latin Proverb of the Day

Some neat insights into some Latin proverbs. I particularly like

Non mihi sapit qui sermone sed qui factis sapit.

Go and read.

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Those of you who have been around St. Blog's for a while know that I absolutely love numbers. I love what they say and what they don't say.

Let's take a look at the recent Catholic Blog Awards. There were sixteen categories. Look at the relative number of votes in the various categories and you'll see an interesting trend.

The absolute lowest number of votes (1022) occurred in the "Most Devotional Blog" award category. I suppose this is meet and fit as St. Blog's would not want to disturb those of us nominated from our lofty contemplations by the stampeding roar of voter's feet. Then we have "New Blog" at 1284, and "Most Creative" at 1293.

That 300 fewer votes occurred in the "Most Devotional Blog" is significant. It implies that St. Blogs parishioners are even more afraid of devotional things than they are of New things or Creative things.

How can we eradicate devotiophobia? I'm uncertain, but I do know that it is the next crusade. Next year, people should be more afraid of New things than of devotional things.

Of course, perhaps it is the fearsome thought of disturbing God's intimates that keeps the droves away. Or perhaps St. Blogs is wise enough to realize that "sleeping dogs" and "rapt contemplatives" belong in the same category of attentions. Disturb a rapt contemplative and you'll probably get an earful of something that as Samuel typified it, "He sure talks a lot and I don't understand a thing he's saying. . ."

So my campaign for next year is already outlined--get more people to vote for devotional blog than for one other category. Penultimate next year, as for the future--Ante-penultimate and beyond--the sky's the limit.

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I don't know how she pulled it off, but Julie D. of Happy Catholic won best blog by a woman. Remarkable, truly remarkable.

Congratulations--I know I was pulling for you--I'm just astounded and pleased. (Not that I would be any less pleased for Ms. Welborn--it's just that, well, I've MET Julie!)

Congratulations again.

And congratulations to Father Jim, one of my very favorite blogs!

And congratulations to all of the winners and to all who have enjoyed the proceedings.

And a heartfelt thanks to the people who went to such pains to organize the whole proceedings.

Of course, do keep in mind, these are preliminary results. And those of us in the great State of Florida are already agitating for a recount! It's our very favorite kind of count. Dangling and pregnant Chads--woohoo!!

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The Catholic Blog Awards

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I realize how very ungracious I have been, not thanking the wonderful parishioners for the real honor they have tendered me in nominating me for "Best Devotional Blog." Thank you all, thank you very much.

If you are so inclined, please go and vote there. Vote for Julie D. and for Rick Lugari, and when you're faced with the difficult choices in devotional blogs, I would ask you to vote for A Penitent Blogger-Penitens. While I can, once in a while offer something in the devotional mode, it is a rare day when Penitens does not. All devotion, all the time. I realize that is not the most popular mode of blogging, but Penitens does it so well--and if St. Blogs is to honor someone whose work really does focus on devotion and glorifying God, then I would suggest that Penitens should be the one. This is a blog I look up to and admire deeply. I cannot sustain the depth that is there, although I can swim in those depths every day.

But once again, I can't thank everyone who participated in this nomination enough. I am very pleased that this blog is seen as being of service. Thank you all, and my sincere apologies in being so slow to acknowledge this debt of gratitude.

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One Way of Saying Thanks


Happy Catholic

If there is someone on your blogroll who makes your world a better place just because that person exists and who you would not have met (in real life or not) without the internet, then post this same sentence on your blog.

And the place where I found this, is, in fact, one of several. You others know who you are.

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