E-Book/E-Text Announcements: November 2006 Archives

Free SF E-Books and More


Can be found here.

They are generally of the militaristic brand of SFbeing from the Baen Books library, but there are a lot of them, and it's entirely possible you'll find something you'll really enjoy in amongst the titles. Go and see.

Everything almost anyone could want to know about Nematodes (and probably a good deal more than most care to know.)

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Many Catholic E-Books


and some nonCatholic sources as well here. Thanks to Bill White for noting one of the more difficult to find--St Bernard of Clairvaux's Commentary on the Song of Songs.

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Incredible Bible Online


The Polyglot Bible present Greek, Latin, KJV with Strong's numbers, Septuagint, and Tanakh (for OT). A real treasure. The Strong's numbers are lexical entries that help to explain the Greek and Hebrew usage.

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This page is a archive of entries in the E-Book/E-Text Announcements category from November 2006.

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E-Book/E-Text Announcements: December 2006 is the next archive.

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