E-Book/E-Text Announcements: June 2006 Archives

A Compendiium of E-Book Sites

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Chronicle of a Medieval Abbey


Medieval Sourcebook: Jocelin de Brakelond: Chronicle of The Abbey of St. Edmund's (1173-1202)

From the Medieval Sourcebook--the Story of the Abbey of St. Edmund by a Medieval Chronicler.

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The Lusiads

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The Lusiad Index

Not necessarily the best translation from the notes, but here is the Portuguese National Epic from their great epic poet Camões. Enjoy

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Celebrating the greatness of the Holy Spirit on this holy feast day of Pentacost, the Order of Carmel Discalced Secular in St. Louis, Missouri invite you to the launch of their new website and downloadable Podcast!

As part of our new apostolate, we invite you to learn more about Carmelite Spirituality through listening to short meditations we have put together which come directly from the treasury of writings of the great Carmelite Saints including St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Therese of Lisieux, Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, St. Teresa of the Andes, Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, St. Teresa Benedicta and many more.

The audio from these Podcasts can be downloaded onto your computer or MP3 player, and you may store the meditations on an iPod or CD and to enjoy them wherever you go. There will be a new episode listed every week and to help keep you alerted to EVERY new Meditation, we have provided an RSS link so you won't miss a broadcast! Please visit us at:


These Meditations range in length between 1.5 to 5 minutes in length and are perfect and wonderful interludes between Radio Programming! The Meditations can be made available in broadcast quality so let us know if you are interested in helping our apostolate grow in your local Catholic Radio Area!

Send forth your Spirit, and they shall
be created and you shall renew face of the earth.

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the E-Book/E-Text Announcements category from June 2006.

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E-Book/E-Text Announcements: August 2006 is the next archive.

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