Glorious 17th Century: November 2002 Archives

Another Potential Member?


Another Potential Member?

Do I see an incipient member of the Glorious Seventeenth Century Poetry Society hiding within the blog of Quenta Nârwenion? I would be annoyed that someone had stolen my thunder, but this marvel by Dryden--set to music by Handel in 1739 (although you should also hear the Purcell Odes of 1683 and 1692--the Glorious Seventeenth Century) is welcome where'er it may appear. Look for the entry for today (Thursday 11/21/02) titled "Tommorow's feast." (Hear also the Hymn to St. Cecilia by Britten, and the Parry Cantata for the day. Marvelous music all.

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