Metablogging: March 2004 Archives

Our server was down during the time I normally add requests. However, I assure everyone that they were remembered at morning prayer. My apologies for missing this morning and also for a paucity of content today due to aforementioned server problem.

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What You Read Here


It's important to post a reminder from time to time about the nature of this blog. There is very little here that is original. What you read about me and my family are the only things I have to contribute. Everything else is from the treasury of the Church, the wisdom of the saints. I provide glosses on these great treasures. These glosses serve to comment on and unite disparate works, but they are merely glosses--nothing new, nothing astounding, sometimes not even particularly helpful--they share one person's thoughts and experiences as commentary on the wisdom passed down to us.

I truly appreciate the gracious audience that stops by to read these reflections, but I don't want to mislead--almost everything here is the fruit of a different orchard--one that I hope to join, God willing, but one that seems a distant goal right now.

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Something I wrote earlier today inadvertantly escaped the draft bin and showed up on the site. If it caused scandal or offense, I apologize deeply. It was certainly not ready for prime-time and needs to be relegated to the dust-bin, I think. If you didn't see it, so much the better. Let's just say that if offended about six of the seventeen found in this list. Pray God to grant me better discernment and more careful keyboarding.

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Metablogging category from March 2004.

Metablogging: February 2004 is the previous archive.

Metablogging: April 2004 is the next archive.

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