Books and Book Reviews: July 2003 Archives

Harry Potter (redux)


Harry Potter (redux)

I have just recently finished the fifth book in the series and have no real insights or helps for anyone. However, I do think I would recommend that everyone interested in working with children acquaint themselves with the series. It is astounding to me that thirteen year-olds would take enough time away from their busy gameboy filled lives to read a book approaching nine-hundred pages long. As with the fourth, I have some reservations about allowing children to read this without some discussion/supervision. But I also don't have a teenager, so it may not be as possible as I am thinking. My reservations stem from some very sophisticated topics and handling thereof that might be disconcerting to some younger children. I still stand directly in opposition to the opinion of Michael O'Brien who exhibits a slender knowledge of the uses of enchantment. More about this somewhat later at Catholic Bookshelf.

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For a Lengthy Discussion of


For a Lengthy Discussion of Harry Potter

and the current controversy surrounding him, please see The Catholic Bookshelf. As a former children's librarian, a present parent and worker in the field of children's education, I finally felt the need to say something. And as that something is a bit more contentious than I would like to feature here, I set it over there so others can come and comment (assuming e-netation ever resurrects itself.)

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