About a Week. . .

| | Comments (13)

I have deleted all of my old sites on blogspot. I am seriously considering shutting this site down. If I do so, it will be in about a week. If there has been anything of value here that you wish to keep, please gather it up as I shall delete this site immediately upon shutdown.

I've enjoyed being here and I will keep you all in my prayers. Thanks for being the great community that you are.

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Seeing this light sunset will be a heavy blow...no time to gather up the all the photons of light I wish to keep before it sets.there are just too many...

Please keep a small blog where we can know how goes your world...

Hoping that no serious difficulty other than logistics is prompting this decision..

In grand unity of prayer..always

I don't read you every day but I do value your gifts and your spiritual presence. I obviously don't know you, but if you are worried about pride, please consider that this might be a temptation from the Evil One.

I don't read you every day but I do value your gifts and your spiritual presence. I obviously don't know you, but if you are worried about pride, please consider that this might be a temptation from the Evil One.

I'm sad that you are considering shutting down this blog. The authenticity and spirituality in your postings have made a positive difference in my own spiritual walk. But I'm being a bit selfish now ;) I wish you all the best!

Praying (and hoarding, though I hope it won't be necessary)!

My prayers with you, Steven, and pleading with the only One who could convince you to not shut down --- I'll miss your insights and support.

You are, of course, always welcome to visit me at my place, my brother. And, if you do shut down, and then later return to the web, please be sure to let me know you're back.

karen marie jochebed knapp

I am selfishly diappointed. I only recently found you and in that short time, you have blessed me beyond belief and also those to whom I minister.
Is there any particular blogs you could suggest......SIMILAR to yours.
Would throwing myself on the ground kicking and screaming "dont abandon me" help change your mind at all.
Whatever your reasons, FIAT.

Dang it. May God's will be done. !@#$!@#$. I have a hot-n-sweaty lawn mowing session coming up this afternoon - sweat and back spasms which I cheerfully offer up for you and yourn, Mr. Riddle.


Say it ain't so, Steven.

Barbara.....living waters run through this blog..while there are other oasis in blogdom..this is the one with the babbling brooks and and the sweet water.

Your work has been a resource and your site a refuge since its first days, Steven. I'd be sorry indeed to lose your online presence, but let be done whatever is best for your own witness and growth in the Lord Jesus.

Grace and peace.


I just discovered you in the last week, and here you are, warning that you're a-packin' up.

Go with God, if you decide that shuttering this place is in order.



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Steven Riddle published on April 20, 2004 8:06 PM.

Prayer Requests 4/20/04 was the previous entry in this blog.

A Martian Odyssey and other E-Text Delights is the next entry in this blog.

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