Nature, Science, & Mathematics: February 2006 Archives

Orlando Wetlands Park


Orlando Wetlands Park had a festival today. It's a park that's about forty miles to the east of where I live in the "town" of Christmas, Florida--about a mile down the road from Fort Christmas.

The Orlando Wetlands Park is interesting because it is the final stage of a water treatment scheme before the water is return to the St. John's River. The wetlands were constructed about twenty years ago and they are the "polishing" arena for waste water that is treated at a treatment plant in east Orlando.

Enough of the background. They have an annual festival lasting only one day, but boy what a day! Had a hay ride through a working cattle ranch/conservancy area, a bus ride over the levees separating different areas of the wetlands. Saw red-shouldered hawk, mating ospreys and their nests, about a dozen alligators, soft-shelled turtle, snapping turtle and others, ibises, anhingas, vultures by the handful, little blue heron, great blue heron, American egret, bald eagle, and dozens of other animals. Fed a cow and bull in a pasture, climbed a rock wall, and Sam bounced in a bounce house. Gathered information about other local wildlife areas. Petted a milk snake and a small caiman or alligator. Saw rehabilitated Kestrel, Barn Owl, and Bald Eagle. (Barn Owls are really kind of spooky looking, with those huge feather patches around the eyes that flatten the face and make the eyes look to be about three times their real size.)

In short, a gorgeous Central Florida day--beautiful, clear, pleasant weather, and a nice gathering of people all celebrating the natural world and our park system. Couldn't have thought of a better way to spend a day.

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