Enthusiasms (odd): January 2004 Archives

Hey, SHE volunteered below! And frankly looking at the vast field running, I don't see any alternative (except maybe Elinor Dashwood who evidently has already garnered a few write-in votes in previous elections).

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Open Source Shakespeare


Eric Johnson, one of the Contributors to Catholic Light, has an elegant and interesting on-line project titled OpenSource Shakespeare. Highly recommended for those with an interest in Shakespeare it features a wonderful index that allows you to find all of the lines a given character in a play speaks. If you have any need of or interest in Shakespeare, this site my provide the kind of resources and information you would be interested in.

I have added Mr. Johnson's remarkable endeavor to my left-hand column so it will be readily available for the future.

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About this Archive

This page is a archive of entries in the Enthusiasms (odd) category from January 2004.

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Enthusiasms (odd): February 2004 is the next archive.

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