Critiques & Controversies: February 2003 Archives

Annoyed Is Not Quite the Right Word


I just saw a posting over the copier at work that reflects a sentiment with which I agree. Something from Abraham Lincoln who points out that "There is no honorable way to kill, and there is no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war, except its ending." Now, I concur with the sentiment, and particularly from a man who nevertheless led a nation through a national nightmare. However, no matter how much I may agree, I must conclude, as obviously Lincoln did, that sometimes war may be necessary to prevent an even greater evil and to right incredible wrongs.

But what I more disturbed at, is the necessity of others to foist upon me their viewpoints. Why is this posted? Why is it allowed to be? Whether I'm inclined to the sentiment or not, it strikes me as at best discourteous and detrimental to the conduct of a business to allow the posting of such divisive sentiments. What if I were not sympathetic to the meaning of this quotation now being used as a screed?

I recall Josemaria Escriva's list of the seventeen evidences of a lack of humility--number 4--"to give your opinion when it has not been requested or when charity does not demand it." (Admittedly most of us bloggers trip over that one on a daily basis). But whatever I may believe, it is certainly not appropriate for me to make of it a "command performance."

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