Prayers: June 2004 Archives


The only thing I'm really good at is resisting you,
and now I'm at an age when resistance doesn't have nearly the attraction
it once did.

So I ask you humbly Lord, make the path to agreement smoother,
help me not to resist your grace,
because left to myself, I will always choose what I want
over what I really need.

Open my eyes and my heart,
let me see and love you.
And in seeing, let your light shine through me.
May I become light in light for those around me,
for the salvation of souls
and for the betterment of life here on Earth.

O Lord, do not abandon me as I deserve,
but make haste and help me,
transform me into what you would have me be.
I cannot even will it fully,
but what I can do, I shall do.
I am weak, make me weaker that you might
be in complete control.


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A prayer of this great Saint:

O Lord and Master of my life, give me not a spirit of sloth, vain curiosity, lust for power, and idle talk.

But give to me Thy servant a spirit of soberness, humility, patience, and love.

O Lord and King, grant me to see my own faults and not to condemn my brother:
For blessed art Thou to the ages of ages. Amen

from Hymns on Paradise-1
St. Ephrem the Syrian

Praise to Your righteousness
which exalts those who prove victorious.
I took my stand halfway
between awe and love;
a yearning for Paradise
invited me to explore it,
but awe at its majesty
restrained me from my search.
With wisdom, however,
I reconciled the two;
I revered what lay hidden
and meditated on what was revealed.
The aim of my search was to gain profit,
the aim of my silence was to find succor.

"I took my stand halfway
between awe and love."

What a wonderful way to think about and meditate on God. Through the intercession of St. Ephrem may we all take our stand halfway between awe and love and lead the world and lost souls to do likewise. Amen.

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