From Happy Catholic--Alphabet Meme

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A is for Age - further the deponent sayeth not--I try not to think about it-but old enough to remember the later sixties.
B is for Booze - Don't drink--nada, nicht--tried wine for its rumored medicinal properties, yuck--worse than most medicine! Never acquired the taste, takes all my courage to take the cup when offered under both species.
C is for Career - Editing
D is for Dad’s name - James
E is for Essential items to bring to a party - anything with coconut
F is for Favorite song at the moment - Long Black Train Josh Turner or maybe Redneck Woman Gretchen Wilson--really tough to decide--but following on earlier post today--I'd rather look at Gretchen.
H is for Hometown - Pensacola, Florida (birth), Fairfax, Virginia (by adoption)
I is for Instrument you play - Clarinet--E-flat, B-flat, bass
J is for Jam or Jelly you like - Key Lime
K is for Kids - One
L is for Living arrangement - one story, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, a billion books and the complete fauna of florida
M is for Mom’s name - Mary
N is for Names of best friends - Gary, Jane, Franklin, Katherine, Christine, Gordon
O is for overnight hospital stays - none
P is for Phobias - arachnophobia (those critters are from mars).
Q is for Quote you like - "Not poppy nor mandragora nor all the drowsy syrups of the world shall ever med'cine thee to that sweet sleep which thou ow'dst yesterday." Iago in Othello (Or Prospero's speech at the end of the Tempest.)
R is for Relationship that lasted longest - Other than siblings, my good friend Tom and my wife Linda (about the same vintage)
S is for Siblings - two brothers
U is for Unique trait - The ability to make anything I'm dressed in look like it came from goodwill without ever seeing an iron.
V if for Vegetable you love - okra
W is for Worst trait -I don't much give a flip about what anyone thinks about me (outside of a very small circle about whom I care greatly). Peer pressure gets my rebellious streak going full force. Not a lemming.
X - is for XRays you’ve had - teeth,
Y is for Yummy food you make - key lime pie
Z is for Zodiac sign--Sagittarius--But I prefer year of the Dog

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The new meme! from Summa Minutiae on May 25, 2005 10:01 PM

Found at Mr. Riddle's place; if he can do it, so can I. A is for Age - 38.9 B is for Booze - Guinness, please. And I'm a gulper, not a sipper. C is for Career - programmer: TeX, perl, Mathematica D is for Dad's name - Charles William, like mine E is fo... Read More


KEY LIME JELLY??!! Holy moley, where can I get some?

That's MY question. I never heard of Key Lime jelly but where do you get it?

Dear Julie and Bill,

I had forgotten that it isn't widely available out there in the world at large because every touristy place in south and central Florida, at least, sells it. I buy it at the orchard where I buy all of my citrus. It's harder to get the key limes themselves, although you can sometimes come by those in some grocery stores and produce stands. I'll see if there is a mail-order place from which to order such.

Here's one:

but just google it, there's a thousand of them.



The complete fauna of Florida? You have both gators and manatee?

Or do manatee not count since they aren't native fauna, but invaders irresponsibly released, like love bugs and nile perch?

Thank you, Steven!

Dear Franklin,

As a matter of fact we do have a gator in the local retention pond (close enough) and any number of Manatees, including, thanks to Samuel, Barbara Manatee. (Stuffed of course).

As to manatees, I don't think they are exogenous, though I could be wrong about that. They are West Indian Manatees and I believe they are Migratory up and down the coast. But I'll have to look into that. Thank you.





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