Another Weblog

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It appears that one of my commenters may have visited me via the Maverick Philosopher. Check out Siris, his wonderful site.

I am certain that there is much to be learned here. I just hope my brain doesn't explode. One of the first things I happened on was a discussion of David Hume--about whom I know only slightly more than is available to one through Monty Python's Philospher's song--to wit "David Hume could outconsume Schopenhauer and Hegel. . ."

(See also his entry in the Why Americans Should Vote debate. The quote from Coolidge is very, very nice.

And for Quenta Narwenion et al. he does quote from the Professor's translations of The Pearl)

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That is a nice weblog, thanks for pointing it out; I've bookmarked it. :-)

Thanks for the link and nice words!

"I just hope my brain doesn't explode." My motto for every day. ;-)



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Steven Riddle published on October 20, 2004 9:26 AM.

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Stephenson v. Gibson--The Titans Battle is the next entry in this blog.

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