Thanksgiving for All In St. Blogs

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Which is by way of saying the meltdown is over. Thanks to the generous outpouring of the community of St. Blogs, I have recovered from my temporary insanity (induced by circumstances entirely outside the world of blogging--in shorthand, let's just call it a form of grief). I thank everyone who wrote, either an e-mail or a comment expressing support and prayers. They were much needed during this very difficult time. I thank particularly three correspondents who allowed me to share the entire world of hurt and bewilderment and thus talk through the crisis and come to an understanding of what was really happening.

Allow this excerpt from my side of the correspondence to one person stand by way of explanation:

I realize that "the heart has its reasons that reason does not know." I presently want to run away from everything . . . (and the worst of this is that what is happening is actually really minor stuff in the long view). But the only thing I'm really allowed to run away from is the blog, so this dramatic pronouncement. But I don't really want to run away from it, I just want to do something that doesn't make me miserable. (Talk about attachments! And this, to my mind, is
precisely why [this event] through the richness of God's mercy is happening.

So once again, my most sincere thanks. I would great appreciate continued prayers for healing this hurt, small though it is. And if I seem a bit less hospitable, a bit more irritable in the next few days, please understand that it is not meant personally. I will try to be aware of it and not allow it to happen again. But I will make no guarentees.

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Steven, we love you. As much as we are able in our Bloggy little universe, we love you! :-)

whoa - I have missed stuff due to computer problems (now solved deo gratias). I hope that you are doing much better from whatever was ailing you - in the post below I thought you were saying that you were shutting down the old blogspot site, but are you actually planning to shut down the site? I sure hope not!
Anyhow, prayers as always. God be with you and continue to comfort you.

What KTC and Alicia said!

and now I get to do a day's worth of offering-ups in thanksgiving for favors granted.

as well as the usual Remembering of you

karen marie

I'm happy to register my gratitude and relief that whatever was ailing you wasn't enough to close these doors.

Assurances of prayer, though, to go along with all that happiness, for your peace of soul. A grief is still a grief, and I offer tender prayer.

That was me in the above unintentially anonymous post. I don't mean to forget who I am, really. Emotion makes me forgetful, I guess...!

Glad your staying -- for purely selfish attachment to your blog! I wasn't ready to detatch at all! :-)



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Steven Riddle published on April 22, 2004 6:56 AM.

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Prayer Requests 4/22/04 is the next entry in this blog.

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