Praise Report

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Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly host.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

So much good to praise the Lord for.

If you look at the list of people for whom we were praying for employment, you'll find that yet another one has dropped off the list. Bill Doran found a job shortly after we began praying. In addition, my brother-in-law after long intermittant employment got a good full-time job. Praise God in His mercy.

Teresita reports that the dreaded interview went much better than expected and thanks us all for our prayers.

Smockmomma reports another cause for praise and thanksgiving:

"Smockmomma's momma, Charlene, survived a car accident that totaled her car. Charlene is not in the habit of professing her faith, but is so happy to be alive that she is giving God the glory."

And perhaps most wonderful of all, after so long a silence we've heard once again from Karen Marie Knapp. Keep praying and raising her to the Lord, but praise Him for what He has already accomplished for her.

Some days there is simply not enough heart to be filled by the magnificence and generosity God bestows upon us. May He take away these hearts of stones and give us hearts of flesh that rejoice in His love. Praise Him! O Praise Him!

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a hearty amen!



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This page contains a single entry by Steven Riddle published on February 9, 2004 7:35 AM.

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