Another Amusing Lord of the Rings Quiz

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Congratulations! You're Legolas!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Gandalf here.

The description of Faramir in this quiz contains the best explanation I've come across for the change in his character from the book to the movie.


(And apparently that's the problem! I'm

Congratulations! You're Aragorn!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I tried to paste the full message for "Aragorn the Hydrophobic," but it didn't turn out. Without going into too many seamy details, let's just say that "hydrophobia" in this case does NOT refer to rabies.

I guess when I take the field, enemies just automatically fall down dead!

I came out Gandalf! But my hair isn't that white!!!



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This page contains a single entry by Steven Riddle published on December 24, 2003 9:38 AM.

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