I'm Officially Blogged-out

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My blogroll has become so bloated that it is literally impossible to get through it and pay any attention whatsoever to the articles written in a day. What is a poor person to do? Where can you possibly cut a blog-list? It's impossible. So I suppose I must get myself into some sort of routine that allows me to crawl through the list in thirds or something. But I've noticed with my erratic visits I haven't been hitting all of my favorite spots nearly so often. So, forgive me, but know that you're still a favorite--I'm just not terribly well organized yet.

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Blogkeeping from Two Sleepy Mommies on October 3, 2003 7:34 PM

Like dear Mr Riddle, I find that our blogroll is grown quite large, and wants to grow larger every day! Thanks to all who have linked us recently -- I'll try to catch up with reciprocal links, I promise! Meanwhile,... Read More

Blogkeeping from Two Sleepy Mommies on October 4, 2003 7:14 AM

Like dear Mr Riddle, I find that our blogroll is grown quite large, and wants to grow larger every day! Thanks to all who have linked us recently -- I'll try to catch up with reciprocal links, I promise! Meanwhile,... Read More


I have the same problem, and our blogroll is nowhere near as extensive as yours! Using a feed reader (if that's what it's called) helps a lot, but otherwise I just have to take them a few a day.... that means being late to just about everything, but I can't be on time to every party, can I?

St Blog's really does have an embarassment of riches.

My blog list is also enormous. But the ones that have RSS feeds at least I can keep track of in an RSS aggregator to see if they have updated or not.

I will third the mention of the RSS feed and reader - alas, many of my favorites do not have feeds!

Since I do not have blogroll - it is a mystery to me, but it is difficult for everyone to be visited. Perhaps making categories like:

Daily Visit

Weekly Visit

As soon as I can

Just a thought! Pax my friend.

I hear you. I'll try again on the RSS feed idea.



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Steven Riddle published on October 1, 2003 1:19 PM.

National Coalition of American Nuns was the previous entry in this blog.

How NOT to Make Your Point is the next entry in this blog.

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