Prayer Reminders


Prayer Reminders

From the Prayer Chapel:
Please remember the following critically important intentions in your prayers:

1. Bill White's wife who is experiencing some unusual medical difficulties.
2. Pansy Moss and Family
3. DYLAN, DYLAN, DYLAN (I know, I harp on this too much, but that's the way it is for brother poet)
4. Christine and Gordon and family (please really work on this one--they've been out of work for more than half-a-year and all reserves are coming to an end)
5. Katherine and Frankin (ditto--although there was a brief interim of employment--still, very difficult situation)
6. All in St. Blog's who have intentions they do not express to us, for healing, emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical and all other intentions for our blogfamily.

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This page contains a single entry by Steven Riddle published on August 9, 2003 9:05 AM.

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