Speaking of Canterbury While in


Speaking of Canterbury

While in Philadelphia I visited, as a matter of course, Christ Church where, despite religious differences the members of the Continental Congresses worshipped together. The Church is gorgeous, vaguely reminiscent of the Old North Church in Boston, but, as was ruefully explained to me by a very nice shopkeeper, "The Old North Church has its original Pews, these are only 125 years old. However, Christ Church is the Mother Church of the Episcopal Church in the United States. Moreover, it has an absolutely gorgeous "wineglass" pulpit, one of three (I'm told) in the united states. And it has the uncomfortable and charming tradition of interring major donors and important people in the floor of the church itself. Further, they explained that the Church is now "Low Church." But I was pleased to see almost no signs of the pernicious influence of Bp. Spong and company.

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