Call for Prayers Ms. Hall


Call for Prayers

Ms. Hall asks for prayers for her Brother, an Air Force Chaplain who will be reassigned to the Middle East. Let us all pray for him and all of the brave men and women of the American Armed forces who do so much for us even as they wait. Remember especially Ms. Hall's brother and Eric Johnson of Catholic Light

My friends thank everyone for their prayers. After a great deal of pain and still hurting, things are on the mend. They thank everyone for the great outpouring of prayer that held them up during the flood and carried them to a new place in the Lord. They know that there is more work ahead, so continued prayers are requested, but they are profoundly grateful to all who have helped.

Please pray for two sets of friends who have upcoming interviews for job positions. One on Monday and one on Tuesday. Times are very difficult and between the two of them these men have responsibility for supporting 10 souls.

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This page contains a single entry by Steven Riddle published on February 22, 2003 8:34 PM.

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