Meditation on an Advertisement


Meditation on an Advertisement
Today, as I was leaving work I looked in my mailbox and found a small gem. I had somehow transmogrified into "today's high-powered, senior-level technology executive." The risible inaccuracies of this single phrase are so numerous they would try the reader's patience to delineate. Therefore I sha'n't. Suffice to say that I am not any of those things, nor do I aspire to be.

But I thought for a moment, "Are there people who think of themselves like that?" If so, God bless them, how sad. Such people lean upon empty words to feel good about themselves. They do not have a center, they rely upon others for definition. Our only definition is in God's eyes. Who we are to God: beloved (but misbehaved and dirty, dirty, dirty, children), loving servants, blessed followers, greater than the angels, the people of His Son's Blood, children of His Daughter, Children of His Spouse, Brothers of His Son, Redeemed, Saved, Loved.

Just a short reflection, but a cautionary one, we shouldn't come to believe what others have to say of us, nor what we say about ourselves. We should only heed what God has to say to us.

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This page contains a single entry by Steven Riddle published on September 6, 2002 4:51 PM.

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