Yesterday's Events

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Many of you may have noticed that Dylan paid a visit to the blogworld yesterday. It was a much needed, much appreciated boost.

My flurry of poem-posting reminded me of one of the reasons I started this blog at all--poetry. And so contrary to what might seem to be implied by the housekeeping entry below, I have no intention of abandoning the posting of poetry--I intend to pick back up and post it more often. Part of what has been missing here is that interaction and synergy with more last than star. I hadn't realized it, but my missing Dylan had taken the unconscious form of a lack of poetry on the site--kind of a wandering in the wilderness.

I do miss his voice, and I am profoundly grateful that he found his way here. I'm glad to know that he has the ability to contact us, however fleetingly. And it is to his eventual release and return to us that I dedicate each day's poem.

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Amen to that!



About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Steven Riddle published on October 8, 2003 7:30 AM.

Housekeeping and Maintenance Items was the previous entry in this blog.

Today's Poem-Coleridge-The Lime-Tree Bower My Prison is the next entry in this blog.

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