Steven Riddle: April 2007 Archives


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Not for not blogging--I simply haven't had the time and will return as soon as I can.

However, I must apologize for the fact that I am going to leave the comments boxes open (I received such a strong negative reaction last time I suggested closing them), but I am not likely to have the time to answer each of you as you deserve. I wish I did, and perhaps in the near future I shall. But please do not consider my lack of response a lack of interest. I am always interested in what any visitor may have to say; however, present circumstances (in a very, very good way) prohibit as much interaction as I used to have.

Please continue to pray for me as these circumstances continue. As I said, they are a good thing, but as you can tell stressful (not negatively) in the amount of time the changes seem to absorb.

Thank you for your understanding, your patience, and your continued visiting. I really do appreciate reader loyalty--especially as I've given you precious little reason to be loyal in recent days.

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Meet the Robinsons

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In two words--"See it."

A loving and passionate tribute to the legend of Walt Disney the man in every possible way those words can be interpreted. Inventive, funny, inspirational, loving, and ultimately reaffirming about those things that matter most in family life.

I want to encourage everyone to pour their money into seeing this film to send the message that we want more films like these. I would far rather sit in the theatre for two hours to see this than to see the drivel that has recently been poured out as fare for our children.

So, to reiterate, "See it."

No, I'm not going to tell you about it--not a word--every moment is a surprise, although adults will see the denouement long before the end. The only words that need be said is that I didn't have a single "cringe" moment in the course of the entire work. Rare nowadays even for a family film. Go, take your children and enjoy.

Oh, and I saw the 3-D version and it was perfect--not a lot of stuff to just get a reaction, but it really added to the depth of the film. (Yes, I know, throw rotten materials elsewhere please.)

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My Life with the Saints

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The charms of this book by Father James Martin, S.J. are numerous.

It is simply written. It is deeply personal. It combines autobiography with biography, Fr. Martin's life with the lives of the Saints who have come to mean a great deal to him. In it we learn both about Father Martin and about how the saints can come to have meaning in our own lives.

Father Martin writes about Saints--Bernadette, Francis, Dominic, Ignatius, and about saints, Dorothy Day, Thomas Merton, Pedro Arrupe, and others. In doing so he emphasizes the aspects of the lives of holy people that appeal to him. He emphasizes the dual role of saints--example and intercessor.

As I read through the book I thought about my own list of people who had influenced me and who I hope, are interceding for me constantly at the Father's right hand--St. Therese, St. Teresa, St. Teresa Benedicta, St. John of the Cross, St. Benedict, St. Augustine, St. Charles Foucauld, St. Thomas More, St. Edward Campion, St. Robert Southwell. I also considered those not yet recognized by the church, or possibly never to be recognized by the Church, and yet whose influence has been profound--Walter Hilton, the author of "The Cloud of Unknowing," Thomas a Kempis, Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, my own grandmother and grandfather--holy people all, living out their lives in the only way they knew how. Perhaps not examples of heroic sanctity, but certainly in that second tier of those who did better than I seem to be at the present time--people to look up to and to emulate in their strengths, and who teach through their faults.

So, all in all, a book to help you think about how you relate to the Saints--a book to help you see how life is shaped by their companionship and intercession. A book highly recommended to all who wish to explore more about the Saints and particularly about how we can learn to grow closer to them.

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Sayings of Light and Love


45. Blessed are they who, setting aside their own pleasure and inclination, consider things according to reason and justice before doing them.

57. It is not God's will that a soul be disturbed by anything or suffer trials, for if one suffers trials in the adversities of the world it is because of a weakness in virtue. The perfect soul rejoices in what afflicts the imperfect one.

73. What does it profit you to give God one thing if he asks of you another? Consider what it is God wants, and then do it. You will as a result satisfy your heart better than with something toward which you yourself are inclined. (for kobj, particularly)

137. To lose always and let everyone else win is a trait of valiant souls, generous spirits, and unselfish hearts; it is their manner to give rather than receive even to the extent of giving themselves. They consider it a heavy burden to possess themselves, and it pleases them more to be possessed by others and withdrawn from themselves, since we belong more to that infinite Good than we do to ourselves.

147. Never listen to talk about the weaknesses of others, and if someone complains of another, you can tell her humbly to say nothing of it to you

From the translaiton by Fr. Kiernan Kavanaugh and Otilio Rodriguez.

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Branching Out


The Society of St. John of the Cross--an interdenominational group. How wonderful that his appeal is becoming more widespread. May it continue to do so.

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Bigotry is the sacred disease, and self-conceit tells lies.

What is divine escapes men's notice because of their incredulity.

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This page is a archive of recent entries written by Steven Riddle in April 2007.

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