May 21, 2004

To Mr. Jack Perry

Dear Mr. Perry,

Yes, I saw your note on the post nearly two years old, and I thank you very kindly for your words of encouragement. It's good to know that some of the things one writes have meaning for someone else even after so much time.



Posted by Steven Riddle at 06:20 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Poetry of St. Robert Southwell

I dye alive
Robert Southwell  (?1561–1595)

O LIFE! what letts thee from a quicke decease?
  O death! what drawes thee from a present praye?
My feast is done, my soule would be at ease,
  My grace is saide; O death! come take awaye.
I live, but such a life as ever dyes;       
  I dye, but such a death as never endes;
My death to end my dying life denyes,
  And life my living death no whitt amends.
Thus still I dye, yet still I do revive;
  My living death by dying life is fedd;       
Grace more then nature kepes my hart alive,
  Whose idle hopes and vayne desires are deade.
Not where I breath, but where I love, I live;
  Not where I love, but where I am, I die;
The life I wish, must future glory give,        
  The deaths I feele in present daungers lye.

I do well to remind myself that I live in a privileged era and a privileged place. No matter that the media are unrelentingly hostile toward my belief, no matter that prejudice still is rampant in some places. I nevertheless can live a life of relative comfort and freedom compared to those who came before. The poetry of this great martyr for the faith ever puts me in mind of how very good I have it despite facing some difficulties. I am thankful before God for what He has granted, and despite all that is less than it should be, I rejoice in my relative freedom to work for Him. As He said with His own lips, "To whom much is given, much is expected in return."

Lord Jesus Christ, grant that I may return even a small part of the many blessings and graces that have come to me from God the Father through the hands of your Blessed Mother. Let the Holy Spirit guide me in all that I do, and awaken my deadened senses to better heed His promptings. Let me work for the good of your church, for the salvation of your people, and for my own good ever heedful of your divine mercy and love.


Posted by Steven Riddle at 07:05 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Words too Seldom Heard Today

And some, perhaps, would say that is all to the good. I tend to think otherwise. We would do well to hear that a life of holiness is NOT a natural concomittant of the human estate. Rather it is achieved only through rough toil and hard grace.

from Sermons on Black Letter Days or Minor Festivals of the Church of England
John Mason Neale



ONE of Satan's most favourite temptations, (no doubt because he has found it one of the most useful,) is this, that it is a very easy thing to be saved. "What is the use," he asks us, "of taking so much pains? Other people lead easy lives, and please themselves, and are thought good fathers, and good neighbours, and good Christians, and they will do very well; and why need you try to be better than they? All will come right at last, and your prayers and your efforts to keep GOD'S law so very strictly are quite needless. Do as the world does, and do not pretend to be more religious than your neighbours."

We know that this is a temptation, and we ought not to be deceived by it. We know that to live a good life is a trade, like every other trade; that, if we do not take the utmost pains, we shall never learn it at all; and that, with all the pains we can take, we shall find it a difficult matter enough to succeed; "The righteous shall scarcely be saved." It will, as the common saying is, be a very near thing. "We want all the helps we can have; we must take all that we can get, and thank GOD that we can get so many.

Now, in looking round me to see what help to lead good lives you might have which as yet you have not, I see one which, with GOD'S grace, we will try. And this evening I will explain to you what it is, and how we may use it.

You know that, ever since I first came amongst you, we have always observed those days which we commonly call Saints' Days; that is, those Festivals of Saints for which an Epistle and Gospel are appointed. And they are those of the twelve Apostles, of S. John the Baptist, of the Conversion of S. Paul, of the Holy Innocents, of S. Barnabas, and of S. Stephen, besides the glorious festival of All Saints. Before GOD, perhaps for our own sins, suffered wicked men to take away from us the power of celebrating the Holy Communion, we always, as some of you well remember, celebrated it on those days. And, even now, we go oftener into chapel; and in the evening, as you know, I speak to you of the lesson that we should learn from the Festival which we are then keeping.

But now, if you look in the Calendar at the beginning of the Prayer Book, you will find a great many other days marked with the name of some Saint. Take January, for example. On the 8th you find the name of S. Lucian; on the 13th, of S. Hilary; on the 18th, of S. Prisca; on the 20th, of S. Fabian; on the 21st, of S. Agnes; on the 22nd, of S. Vincent. There are six days, then, which the Church sets before us, as the means of helping us in our way to heaven; and which, therefore, I wish that you should understand something about. I do not like that you should only look on them as names which you cannot understand,--as long, difficult words, with which you have nothing to do. I wish that, when you see the altar vested in red, to signify that it is the day of some Martyr who shed his blood for the Name of CHRIST: or, when you see it in white, to set forth to you that we are keeping the feast of some one of those Virgins whom Holy Scripture teaches us to call the brides of the Spotless Lamb; then that you should know something about that Martyr or that Virgin. It is impossible to love those of whom we know nothing. We may believe, indeed, that they were true and faithful servants of CHRIST, and so far we may admire them, and desire to follow their example; but love them we cannot, unless we know something about them on which our love can fix.

Now, therefore, I intend, by GOD'S grace, beginning from this time, as each of these days comes round, to tell you why we keep it, and who it is that we are then called upon to think about. If we were travelling to some place where we were to live all the rest of our lives, should we not wish to know what sort of people we were going among? Should we not be very glad to find any one who could tell us about them? Should we not beg him to let us know what he could, as to their names, and their ways of going on, and what they liked and disliked? We should say, "They are to be my companions by-and-by, and I should like to become acquainted with them as far as I can, before I really go to see them."

So it is with us. We are journeying to the land which the LORD hath promised to them that love Him.

Much of the work is available here

Posted by Steven Riddle at 06:54 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

King Charles I--Martyr?

For those interested in King Charles the First and the Anglo-Catholic view of him, you could do worse than to seek the library of documents at Project Canterbury.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 06:42 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Prayer Requests 5/21/04


Please continue to pray for Dylan

Please pray for Katherine who is with child once again and who is suffering terribly from some of the bodily occurrences that accompany pregnancy.

For Alicia's Sister-in-Law and her family as they struggle through this health crisis.

Please remember Mary Lou's daughter Teresa who is a newborn who is not feeding well and not gaining the weight she should be

Please pray for me as I go through an extended process of discernment and listening.

For Nathan for special needs

For Tom's (of Goodform, Santificarnos, Fathers Know Best) Father-in-Law who is having a bad-health year, for recovery and strength for the family that must cope with it.

A special request from a gentleman battling a particularly troublesome and besetting sin for grace and help as he continues forward.

For Christine, Gordon, Heather, and Ray as they set up house and get used to new surroundings.

For those struggling against self to attain holiness, that the Good Lord will raise up new Saints for our times, visible beacons that draw all people toward Christ.

For Father Joe who has left the active ministry of Priesthood after a number of difficult experiences, for discernment, strength, and a renewal of heart, mind, and spirit

For all those in the process of discerning vocations to the religious life, for guidance, prudence and good counsel

For our children, that they grow up in security, comfort, and the certain knowledge that they are loved and that they be released from any bonds of darkness, fear, anger, or sadness that bind and threaten them

For Amanda and the success of her book-designing business

For all those living under the curse of generational sins, that they may have protection and the inheritance of the past may be made void in their lives.

For all who are suffering from marital problems, most particularly those in our own families or communities, that the Lord may intervene and remind them that a marriage is of three persons.

For mothers and families that struggle with autism and autistic-related disabilities: particularly for M'Lynn, Melissa, Christine, and Betty.

For families that desire more children

For the conversion or return of spouses and loved ones to the Catholic Church, most particularly for Amanda's husband

For the men and women of the American Armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and for their families, may the Good Lord provide sustenance, support, compassion, and love that these separated families might continue to grow in strength and love.

Special Prayer Projects:

(1) Chris Keith, the young lady whose biopsy went poorly got the results of that biopsy--carcinoma of the liver. The cancer is metastatic from colon cancer. Surgery has taken place to treat the colon cancer.

I paraphrase her mother:

"We [members of the family] are standing on the Rock and are rock solid. We are all okay and we are looking for a few prayer warriors to help us in this battle." Because this mother means so much to me for the great good she has done for my friends, I plan to stand with her and her family in this battle, and I invite you all to join me. Expect to hear about this on and off over the next few months.

(2) For Katherine and Franklin, Janet and Louis, Peter Kucera, and for all who are seeking employment and suffering through difficult times as they wait.

(3)Healthy Pregnancies and good and safe deliveries: From Davey's Mom: I am with child once again and could use prayers for a healthy pregnancy. For Suki, for a healthy pregancy and a safe delivery. For JCecil3 and Wife. For Pansy Moss. For Mts. White and child. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Gerard Majella, pray for us. Blessed Gianna, pray for us.

A very important request from a St. Blogs parishioner--"I found out recently that my friend's sister is pregnant for the fourth time. Her other three children have autism, and I know it would make her very, very happy to have a normal child." Please pray for this poor woman that she might have the joy of a healthy pregnancy and a happy, healthy delivery and new infant. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Gerard Majella, Pray for Us.
Blessed Gianna, pray for us.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 06:26 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

May 20, 2004

Roundup of E-Books

G.K. Chesterton The Defendant See particularly the essays on humility and the detective story.

William Wordworth The Poetical Works of William Wordsworth, Vol III--which volume includes the autobiographical and exceedingly influential poem The Prelude (in fourteen books).

Jonathan Swift Prose Works of Jonathan Swift vol III--including the essay on abolishing Christianity in England.

Roy Chapman Andrews Camps and Trails in China Andrews is one of the first names in Dinosaur Paleontology and apparently natural history--a narrative of his sojourn in China.

Sir George Frazer Balder the Beautiful, Vol 1 a lesser-known anthropoogical work.

John Muir The Grand Canon of the Colorado by America's earliest conservationist/naturalist.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 03:53 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

The Holy Observer

Headline of the Day: Kerry Vows to Start New, Pro-Choice Catholic Church.

The subhead--New Cabinet Position Would Be Created to Head the Socially Progressive Church.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 12:14 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

George Herbert--But Not from The Temple

[Sonnet (I)] 
George Herbert

My God, where is that ancient heat towards thee,
    Wherewith whole showls of Martyrs once did burn,
    Besides their other flames? Doth Poetry
Wear Venus livery? only serve her turn?
Why are not Sonnets made of thee? and layes
    Upon thine Altar burnt? Cannot thy love
    Heighten a spirit to sound out thy praise
As well as any she? Cannot thy Dove
Out-strip their Cupid easily in flight?
    Or, since thy wayes are deep, and still the fame,
    Will not a verse run smooth that bears thy name!
Why doth that fire, which by thy power and might
    Each breast does feel, no braver fuel choose
    Than that, which one day, Worms, may chance refuse?

Posted by Steven Riddle at 07:56 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Poetry Moment

Too long neglected, poetry has been here, and so a moment more and I return to what I love most in the way of words.

Psalm I Done into Verse, 1653
John MIlton

BLess'd is the man who hath not walk'd astray
In counsel of the wicked, and ith' way
Of sinners hath not stood, and in the seat
Of scorners hath not sat. But in the great
Jehovahs Law is ever his delight,
And in his Law he studies day and night.
He shall be as a tree which planted grows
By watry streams, and in his season knows
To yield his fruit, and his leaf shall not fall,
And what he takes in hand shall prosper all.
Not so the wicked, but as chaff which fann'd
The wind drives, so the wicked shall not stand
In judgment, or abide their tryal then,
Nor sinners in th' assembly of just men.
For the Lord knows th' upright way of the just,
And the way of bad men to ruine must.

I chose this psalm because I think that many are already quite familiar with it and because I think this a lovely paraphrase combining the great strengths of Milton, rhythm and syntax.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 07:49 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Future Posting

I still have much to say about Venice, and about yesterday's amazing occurences; however, I am again short of time. I will try to get to these this evening. Venice may have to wait until I have explored its contours in poetry, but yesterday's events would give rise only to bad occasional poetry, so I'll go ahead and talk about that.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 07:39 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

St Thomas and Science

In a series of posts Tom of Disputations first discusses and then expands upon one of the critically important developments in the history of western civilization and thus helps to confound the idioitic prejudice that the power of the Church kept Eurpoe in the so-called "dark ages" until the sudden burst of the Renaissance.

St. Thomas clearly articulate the need, and indeed the duty, to love what is above the soul (as the highest good) and to understand what is beneath is (as another aspect of this highest good). In each case the best is done with a given faculty--the intellect or the will.

In articulating this understanding St. Thomas set the groundwork for all of western science. By declaring it both good and almost a duty, the search for understanding of the world received yet another boost from the Church. By setting this agenda St. Thomas and the Church fueled the revival of arts and knowledge that we call the renaissance.

Unfortunately as time passed, the understanding of St. Thomas's teaching became distorted and unclear, as Tom points out. There is a modern tendency to love what is beneath and to dimiss or analyze in a pseudo-scientific way what is above.

Nevertheless, St. Thomas was the articulator of one of the central principles of western civilization--the right and the duty to understand the world around us as best as we possibly can. It is this fundamental characteristic that led to later, sometime lamentable, sometimes glorious developments. And despite all detractors, it is the Church and the Faith which articulated this understanding of our place in the universe--not the scientists themselves.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 07:33 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Prayer Requests 5/20/04


Please continue to pray for Dylan

Please pray for Katherine who is with child once again and who is suffering terribly from some of the bodily occurrences that accompany pregnancy.

For Alicia's Sister-in-Law and her family as they struggle through this health crisis.

Please remember Mary Lou's daughter Teresa who is a newborn who is not feeding well and not gaining the weight she should be

Please pray for me as I go through an extended process of discernment and listening.

For Nathan for special needs

For Tom's (of Goodform, Santificarnos, Fathers Know Best) Father-in-Law who is having a bad-health year, for recovery and strength for the family that must cope with it.

A special request from a gentleman battling a particularly troublesome and besetting sin for grace and help as he continues forward.

For Christine, Gordon, Heather, and Ray as they set up house and get used to new surroundings.

For those struggling against self to attain holiness, that the Good Lord will raise up new Saints for our times, visible beacons that draw all people toward Christ.

For Father Joe who has left the active ministry of Priesthood after a number of difficult experiences, for discernment, strength, and a renewal of heart, mind, and spirit

For all those in the process of discerning vocations to the religious life, for guidance, prudence and good counsel

For our children, that they grow up in security, comfort, and the certain knowledge that they are loved and that they be released from any bonds of darkness, fear, anger, or sadness that bind and threaten them

For Amanda and the success of her book-designing business

For all those living under the curse of generational sins, that they may have protection and the inheritance of the past may be made void in their lives.

For all who are suffering from marital problems, most particularly those in our own families or communities, that the Lord may intervene and remind them that a marriage is of three persons.

For mothers and families that struggle with autism and autistic-related disabilities: particularly for M'Lynn, Melissa, Christine, and Betty.

For families that desire more children

For the conversion or return of spouses and loved ones to the Catholic Church, most particularly for Amanda's husband

For the men and women of the American Armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and for their families, may the Good Lord provide sustenance, support, compassion, and love that these separated families might continue to grow in strength and love.

Special Prayer Projects:

(1) Chris Keith, the young lady whose biopsy went poorly got the results of that biopsy--carcinoma of the liver. The cancer is metastatic from colon cancer. Surgery has taken place to treat the colon cancer.

I paraphrase her mother:

"We [members of the family] are standing on the Rock and are rock solid. We are all okay and we are looking for a few prayer warriors to help us in this battle." Because this mother means so much to me for the great good she has done for my friends, I plan to stand with her and her family in this battle, and I invite you all to join me. Expect to hear about this on and off over the next few months.

(2) For Katherine and Franklin, Janet and Louis, Peter Kucera, and for all who are seeking employment and suffering through difficult times as they wait.

(3)Healthy Pregnancies and good and safe deliveries: From Davey's Mom: I am with child once again and could use prayers for a healthy pregnancy. For Suki, for a healthy pregancy and a safe delivery. For JCecil3 and Wife. For Pansy Moss. For Mts. White and child. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Gerard Majella, pray for us. Blessed Gianna, pray for us.

A very important request from a St. Blogs parishioner--"I found out recently that my friend's sister is pregnant for the fourth time. Her other three children have autism, and I know it would make her very, very happy to have a normal child." Please pray for this poor woman that she might have the joy of a healthy pregnancy and a happy, healthy delivery and new infant. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Gerard Majella, Pray for Us.
Blessed Gianna, pray for us.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 07:17 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

May 19, 2004

Late Start Today

I'll try to post some entries tonight. Perhaps some Philip Gulley and some other reflections on such things as Kindergarten graduations.

Praise God!

Posted by Steven Riddle at 10:17 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

May 18, 2004

More from St. Paul

Just one more gleaning from this noonday repast. I rejoice in the word God has set forth for us and I particularly love this "epistle of joy" even when there is something like the passage that follows. We need both instruction and caution.

Philippians 3: 18-19

18   (For many walk, of whom I have told you often and now tell you even with weeping, as the enemies of the cross of Christ.
19   Their end is destruction, their God is their belly, and their glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

Remember these for whom we must pray especially--those caught up in the net of lies that constitutes life in our society. They do not know the truth and could not find the truth if we were to guide them right to it and push them into its embrace. The illusions of this world are too deep, too dark, too entangling. As Jesus said of one exorcism--"This kind comes out only with much prayer and fasting."

Posted by Steven Riddle at 11:56 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Noontime Bible Greetings

I was reading the passage that follows and I thought of all those near and dear in the blogworld and in the real world. This expresses far beyond my own capabilities the great gift God has given me in this endeavor.

Philippians 1: 3-7a

3   I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,
4   Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy,
5   For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;
6   Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
7   Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart. . .

Thank you all for being there in the community of Christ, in the mystical body, in your gentle support and remonstration. You all give me the greatest of gifts--the strengthening of faith through fellowship.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 11:48 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Reading List

Presently reading:

Signs and Wonders Philip Gulley
Decline and Fall Evelyn Waugh
Elizabeth Costello J. M. Coetzee
Christian Perfection and Conteplation Fr. R. Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P.
Awakening Your Soul to the Presence of God Fr. Kilian Healey O. Carm.
Aunt Dimity's Death (Don't Recall author)

Waiting in the wings,

I, Roger Williams Mary Lee Settle
Grimm's Last Fairytale (Don't recall author)
Evan Help Us Rhys Bowen
The Spoils of Poynton Henry James
The Italian Journals Nathaniel Hawthorne
The Dust of Eden Thomas Sullivan

and a host of others. I need more time to read. I need more time at the beach. No, let's be real--I want more time to read and more time at the beach and in present circumstances those FEEL like needs.

In point of fact, praise God, I need very little indeed. I am most thankful. But my list of wants goes on forever--hence the frequent abjurations to detachment. Perhaps some of you all will achieve it and give me the secret.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 10:23 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Reflection for the Day

There is no point to any conversation, action, idea, or object that does not by some route lead us to the truth.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 07:53 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack

Prayer Requests 5/18/04

Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, rejoice.


Please continue to pray for Dylan

Blessings for the Holy Father on his birthday (thanks Peony)

For Alicia's Sister-in-Law and her family as they struggle through this health crisis.

Please remember Mary Lou's daughter Teresa who is a newborn who is not feeding well and not gaining the weight she should be

Please pray for me as I go through an extended process of discernment and listening.

For Nathan for special needs

For Tom's (of Goodform, Santificarnos, Fathers Know Best) Father-in-Law who is having a bad-health year, for recovery and strength for the family that must cope with it.

Please pray for a special need for Katherine at this time.

A special request from a gentleman battling a particularly troublesome and besetting sin for grace and help as he continues forward.

Please pray for Franklin's father, Bill, who is still is assisted living

For Christine, Gordon, Heather, and Ray as they set up house and get used to new surroundings.

Mary asks for prayers for an online friend currently undergoing some hardship.

Lynn (Noli Irritare Leones) requests: "Could you also pray for my coworker's family? His wife just had triplets, one stillborn and the other two premature and currently in the NICU."

For Franklin for special intentions and for Katherine and the children in this difficult time for the family.

For those struggling against self to attain holiness, that the Good Lord will raise up new Saints for our times, visible beacons that draw all people toward Christ.

For Father Joe who has left the active ministry of Priesthood after a number of difficult experiences, for discernment, strength, and a renewal of heart, mind, and spirit

For all those in the process of discerning vocations to the religious life, for guidance, prudence and good counsel

For our children, that they grow up in security, comfort, and the certain knowledge that they are loved and that they be released from any bonds of darkness, fear, anger, or sadness that bind and threaten them

For Amanda and the success of her book-designing business

For all those living under the curse of generational sins, that they may have protection and the inheritance of the past may be made void in their lives.

For all who are suffering from marital problems, most particularly those in our own families or communities, that the Lord may intervene and remind them that a marriage is of three persons.

For mothers and families that struggle with autism and autistic-related disabilities: particularly for M'Lynn, Melissa, Christine, and Betty.

For families that desire more children

For the conversion or return of spouses and loved ones to the Catholic Church, most particularly for Amanda's husband

For the men and women of the American Armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and for their families, may the Good Lord provide sustenance, support, compassion, and love that these separated families might continue to grow in strength and love.

Special Prayer Projects:

(1) Chris Keith, the young lady whose biopsy went poorly got the results of that biopsy--carcinoma of the liver. The cancer is metastatic from colon cancer. Surgery has taken place to treat the colon cancer.

I paraphrase her mother:

"We [members of the family] are standing on the Rock and are rock solid. We are all okay and we are looking for a few prayer warriors to help us in this battle." Because this mother means so much to me for the great good she has done for my friends, I plan to stand with her and her family in this battle, and I invite you all to join me. Expect to hear about this on and off over the next few months.

(2) For Katherine and Franklin, Janet and Louis, Peter Kucera, and for all who are seeking employment and suffering through difficult times as they wait.

(3)Healthy Pregnancies and good and safe deliveries: From Davey's Mom: I am with child once again and could use prayers for a healthy pregnancy. For Suki, for a healthy pregancy and a safe delivery. For JCecil3 and Wife. For Pansy Moss. For Mts. White and child. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Gerard Majella, pray for us. Blessed Gianna, pray for us.

A very important request from a St. Blogs parishioner--"I found out recently that my friend's sister is pregnant for the fourth time. Her other three children have autism, and I know it would make her very, very happy to have a normal child." Please pray for this poor woman that she might have the joy of a healthy pregnancy and a happy, healthy delivery and new infant. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Gerard Majella, Pray for Us.
Blessed Gianna, pray for us.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 06:27 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack

May 17, 2004

Questions about Opus Dei

I have been asked to add this link to my side-column. I do not believe I shall do so, but I put it here for those who would like to investigate what is said about Opus Dei. I really don't know what to make of either the prelature or its detractors and I would be interested in hearing from persons who know better than I do what is going on.

Later: Mr. Cork made clear that I should express my purpose in posting this link more clearly. It is this--I don't know enough about Opus Dei to say anything whatsoever informed about them. However, I have long heard rumors about "dark practices" among the group--among these practices the use of "the discipline" and other things that seem foreign to modern sensibilities. Whether or not these things constitute real problems I suppose has yet to be seen. However, this site points out many of the "rumors" I have heard and I think it would be wise for those with greater understanding that I have to address some of the things this site presents as fact. I do not intend to detract from Opus Dei nor from its founder St. Josemaria Escriva whose works I read and whose spirituality of work I truly admire.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 07:25 AM | Comments (11) | TrackBack

Three Cheers for Our Lady of Lourdes Church

Who put their money where their hearts are. In Venice I saw at least one billboard advertising their assistance for women with Crisis pregnancies. A billboard with the cutest, most adorable, most wonderful baby and the words "Because life begins at conception."

I don't know where Our Lady of Lourdes is located--somewhere in the Tampa-St. Petersburg/Sarasota/Venice area. But they deserve kudos for their remarkable work. If anyone from that parish reads this, please know that your efforts are in my prayers and you have my deepest thanks for the good work that you do.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 07:18 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Disgrace J. M. Coetzee

There's way, way too much to write about coming from this weekend, so I'll get to it gradually. In the meantime, here's a review of my "beach-reading."

This book won the Booker Award, a rather prestigious book award, similar, I suppose to the National Book Award here in the States. Coetzee is another of the great line of South African writers in the tradition of Alan Paton and Nadine Gordimer, who look carefully at their society then and now and tell us what the results are for the people who live its history.

Disgrace is a tangled knot of a story, richly satisfying in the intricacy both of plot and of characterization. I found myself not always sympathetic to the thoughts and motives of the main characters, but always sympathetic to them. It was an interesting paradox. I would read something and say, "Stop being and ass," as though I were talking to a friend in need of a bracing reality check.

The story centers around a man who has an affair with a student and forces the issue in such a way as he is dismissed from his job. That's the simplistic view of events. As you come to understand the character, you'll find that it is much more tangled than that. He goes to live with his daughter on a farm in another part of the Cape and experiences there a day of violence that transforms both lives.

What is most particularly interesting is how articulate the main character is; how simultaenously out of touch and in-touch. He seems to know himself so well, but he discovers himself through the art of compostion and producing a "chamber opera" about the life of Byron and one of his lvoers.

The book is about passion--love and hate. Passion is the underlying motif and the principle element of everything that occurs. Passion or lack of it defines each person in the book--what they are passionate about and how it expresses itself is one of the strengths--no part of the brilliance--of this very readable, very engaging, very tender and frightening book. I was stunned by the beauty of it and I look forward to reading others by the same writer.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 07:15 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Interesting Reading

At T.S. O's today. Also check out his profile.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 06:49 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Did Disputations Implode Over the Weekend. . .

or is Blogger on the fritz? I can't find Tom's blog--does anyone know if the address changed? Other blogspot places are showing up okay. What did I miss?

Later: I'm greatly relieved and delighted to say that it was a blogger blip this morning. Thank heavens.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 06:46 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Prayer Requests 5/17/04

I love you, O Lord, my strength.


Please continue to pray for Dylan

Pray for the repose of the soul of Nick Berg, for his family, his friends, and for all who have been hurt by his death

For Susan R. a friend of a friend, who has been diagnosed with breast cancer; she is recovering from surgery today and may be released to home

Please pray for Katherine who is having an extremely difficult time preparing for visits and tending to sick children while feeling very ill herself; also for her friend Coreen who is also very ill.

Please remember Mary Lou's daughter Teresa who is a newborn who is not feeding well and not gaining the weight she should be

Please pray for me as I go through an extended process of discernment and listening.

For Nathan for special needs

For Tom's (of Goodform, Santificarnos, Fathers Know Best) Father-in-Law who is having a bad-health year, for recovery and strength for the family that must cope with it.

Please pray for a special need for Katherine at this time.

A special request from a gentleman battling a particularly troublesome and besetting sin for grace and help as he continues forward.

Please pray for Franklin's father, Bill, who is still is assisted living

For Christine, Gordon, Heather, and Ray as they set up house and get used to new surroundings.

Mary asks for prayers for an online friend currently undergoing some hardship.

Lynn (Noli Irritare Leones) requests: "Could you also pray for my coworker's family? His wife just had triplets, one stillborn and the other two premature and currently in the NICU."

For Franklin for special intentions and for Katherine and the children in this difficult time for the family.

For those struggling against self to attain holiness, that the Good Lord will raise up new Saints for our times, visible beacons that draw all people toward Christ.

For Father Joe who has left the active ministry of Priesthood after a number of difficult experiences, for discernment, strength, and a renewal of heart, mind, and spirit

For all those in the process of discerning vocations to the religious life, for guidance, prudence and good counsel

For our children, that they grow up in security, comfort, and the certain knowledge that they are loved and that they be released from any bonds of darkness, fear, anger, or sadness that bind and threaten them

For Amanda and the success of her book-designing business

For all those living under the curse of generational sins, that they may have protection and the inheritance of the past may be made void in their lives.

For all who are suffering from marital problems, most particularly those in our own families or communities, that the Lord may intervene and remind them that a marriage is of three persons.

For mothers and families that struggle with autism and autistic-related disabilities: particularly for M'Lynn, Melissa, Christine, and Betty.

For families that desire more children

For the conversion or return of spouses and loved ones to the Catholic Church, most particularly for Amanda's husband

For the men and women of the American Armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and for their families, may the Good Lord provide sustenance, support, compassion, and love that these separated families might continue to grow in strength and love.

Special Prayer Projects:

(1) Chris Keith, the young lady whose biopsy went poorly got the results of that biopsy--carcinoma of the liver. The cancer is metastatic from colon cancer. Surgery has taken place to treat the colon cancer.

I paraphrase her mother:

"We [members of the family] are standing on the Rock and are rock solid. We are all okay and we are looking for a few prayer warriors to help us in this battle." Because this mother means so much to me for the great good she has done for my friends, I plan to stand with her and her family in this battle, and I invite you all to join me. Expect to hear about this on and off over the next few months.

(2) For Katherine and Franklin, Janet and Louis, Peter Kucera, and for all who are seeking employment and suffering through difficult times as they wait.

(3)Healthy Pregnancies and good and safe deliveries: From Davey's Mom: I am with child once again and could use prayers for a healthy pregnancy. For Suki, for a healthy pregancy and a safe delivery. For JCecil3 and Wife. For Pansy Moss. For Mts. White and child. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Gerard Majella, pray for us. Blessed Gianna, pray for us.

A very important request from a St. Blogs parishioner--"I found out recently that my friend's sister is pregnant for the fourth time. Her other three children have autism, and I know it would make her very, very happy to have a normal child." Please pray for this poor woman that she might have the joy of a healthy pregnancy and a happy, healthy delivery and new infant. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Gerard Majella, Pray for Us.
Blessed Gianna, pray for us.

Posted by Steven Riddle at 06:41 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack