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August 8, 2006

Ukiyo-e I

Ukiyo-e-Pictures of the floating world. Mundane life distilled from ordinary images of the day. Edo period. Beautiful in its sameness.

Ukiyo-e I

Blue shadows spil from the unseen new moon. The eaves etch navy ridges against the milk-lit stucco walls and the thick grass is no-color-at-all.

Three lights flashing, an airplane lumbers across the field of pinpoint white stars. The warmth of the summer night fills my lungs with each breath. If only I smoked or drank or took interest in women other than my wife I could be standing here in my boxers in my screened porch cradling a world weary scotch, or stirring my Sangria with a finger, or puffing away on my little black filterless Belgians, or lightly rolling my Ybor City mock Cuban between thumb and forefinger, or stroking the taut but silky smooth stomach and lower breasts of this week's love while waiting for my dog to do his business. But I'm not. I'm standing here thinking how wet this heat feels, and watching the plane vanish across the sky above the pink sodium lights of the neighborhood pool.

Posted by Steven Riddle at August 8, 2006 8:03 PM

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This one haunts and touches something. How much the mundane encroaches while the "what might have been" lingers just beyond the consciousness. Would more happiness have ensued with the "might have been?" I think not. The mundane brings peace and contentment and a sense that all's right in God's world and mine.

Posted by: Jane at August 9, 2006 11:51 AM

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