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November 7, 2005

Request for Information

There was a rumor making the rounds this weekend at Church. (The leader of the secular Franciscans talked to the Leader of the Lay Carmelites, and they both in turn talked to their groups. The essence it was that Pope John Paul II was to be beatified in June. Now, as far as I know, Pope John Paul II has just had his cause opened this week. Everything I read suggested that there was no way in which they would be prepared to make an pronouncement by the time of the Pope's visit to Poland in June. In the Carmelite group I said this, but there was insistence that the beatification was to occur. However, given a little bit of a language gap, I was wondering if it were possible that Pope Paul VI, for whom a cause had been opened some time ago, might not be beatified.

Is anyone out there able to clarify what exactly is happening? I would appreciate any insight you might have in the matter.

Posted by Steven Riddle at November 7, 2005 8:40 AM

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Here is the BBC story from Friday on the subject of the beatification proceedings:


The usual 5 year waiting period has been waived, so it is possible that the process could be completed by June. About 100 people are expected to testify. The BBC article says that these things take time, and that the process is not likely to be completed before Pope Benedict XVI travels to Poland next June. The planned trip to Poland is probably what is prompting the talk that the beatification will be done then. However, Benedict is not usually doing beatifications himself, partly to distinguish them from canonizations. I don't know whether he would make an exception and personally beatify John Paul II in Poland next year.

Thus, it is possible that the beatification will be next June while Benedict XVI is in Poland, but there has been no such announcement. It will have to be a bit of a last minute surprise if all the work gets done by then, and if Benedict XVI announces that he will personally preside over that one.

Posted by: Teresa Polk at November 7, 2005 10:16 AM

Dear Teresa,

Thank you for this clarification. I am excited at the prospect, but await the decision of the Church. I hope it comes swiftly, but am content that they are starting at all.



Posted by: Steven Riddle at November 7, 2005 11:15 AM


I read the Zenit postings nearly every day and I have not seen any Vatican announcements about beatifications of either pope. There is much time yet for an announcement to be made. JP2 would be amazing given the detailed work which must be done.

May God's will be done.

Posted by: Katherine at November 8, 2005 12:16 PM

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