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October 1, 2005

The Feast of St. Thérèse of The Child Jesus and the Holy Face

I had the great privilege of admitting two members to temporary profession today. The Lay Carmelites have a period of two years of formation before admission to reception and then three additional years of formation before first promises. Final promises are granted three years after that and on rare occasions as granted by the Provincial Delegate, one may take vowa of chastity according to station in life and obedience.

This first profession is an extremely important step and the two people who took it seemed to be no end delighted. All I could think of was how unworthy I was to receive the professions of such people. In myself, I am unworthy, but I am made worthy by the grace of God and by the special delegation of the Provincial Delegate. Still, it is most humbling to stand in the presence of people so afire in the charisms of the order. Even though they were far older than I am, this was rejuvenating for me because I could see my own first fervor and taste once again that taste of newness and light.

It was a good thing at a good time. I thank you all for your prayers. Also a conversation I needed to have in the course of this went well, and I think I may have sparked some thinking on the part of a very capable person as to the appropriateness of a task for which she had been identified. Once again, all of this success is thanks in great part to the support of the community here. Thank you.

Posted by Steven Riddle at October 1, 2005 4:05 PM

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Steven, I'm glad to hear that some of the conversations are going well. I was a member of the Secular Carmelites for about 6 months (obviously not professed). I absolutely loved the sessions and the community but had to stop because they were at the same time as the Hispanic mass and religious education in my parish. I had a "Mary or Martha" moment and went with Martha at this time. I felt called to help with religious education. At some point, I would want to return. I love Carmel! Peace!

Posted by: Hector at October 1, 2005 6:09 PM

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