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August 29, 2004

From Summa Mamas via Video Meliora

Via Smock & Mama T

Hardback or Paperback
Highlight or Underline (And write in margins, whatever's conventient--ebooks are even better because you can copy out and annotate exactly as you wish)
Lewis or Tolkien Lewis for apologetics, Tolkien for his magnificent studies of Medieval literature and philology. I don't understand some of them, but I love to read them. On the trilogy, I have cooled appreciably since my youth, but still find it magnificent and unmatched.
E.B. White or A.A. Milne
T.S. Eliot or e.e. cummings
Stephen King or Dean Koontz
Barnes & Noble or Borders (If either group would deign to hire someone who was literate, it might help. No, give me Half-Price Books, PLEASE!!!)
Waldenbooks or B. Dalton
Fantasy or Science Fiction
Horror and Suspense
Bookmark or Dogear
Large Print or Fine Print I'll read anything I can get my hands on.
Hemingway or Faulkner (Without Faulkner, no Flannery, no Walker Percy, perhaps even no Eudora Welty--although her debt is somewhat vaguer)
Fitzgerald or Steinbeck
Homer or Plato
Geoffrey Chaucer or Edmund Spenser--Some of the greatest Anti-Catholic Diatribe ever in the pamphlet spewing dragon of Canto I, not to mention the foul Duessa, whore of Babylon and potential seducer of the Red Crosse Knighte.)
Pen or Pencil Depends on the task
Looseleaf or Notepad--Theme books--harder to remove something you don't like so you're forced to see it over and over again. Excellent for journals, no self-censoring after the fact.
Alphabetize: By Author or By Title (neither)
Shelve: By Genre/Subject or All Books Together
Dustjacket: Leave it On or Take it Off
Novella or Epic
John Grisham or Scott Turrow (Ick!! One of two genres I can't get into at all. The other is the Clancy/Ludlum school of spy and know how to do everything books.)
J.K. Rowling or Lemony Snicket
John Irving and John Updike
Salman Rushdie or Don Delillo
Fiction or Non-fiction
Historical Biography or Historical Romance
Reading Pace: A Few Pages per Sitting or Finish at Least a Chapter Depends on the book and the purpose for reading.
Short Story or Creative Non-fiction Essay
Blah Blah Blah and Yada Yada Yada
“It was a dark and stormy night…” or “Once upon a time…”
Books: Buy or Borrow (buy early & often)
Book Reviews or Word of Mouth

In other words, when it comes to reading, the answer is yes--whatever (with the exceptions noted above) whenever, with whatever tools I have at hand.

Posted by Steven Riddle at August 29, 2004 4:52 PM

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