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July 20, 2004

Most Profound Apologies

Sometimes, unthinkingly, I do something shockingly stupid or hurtful. It is usually not my intent. Such is the case with a recent set of posts I have made regarding the heresy of Americanism. Both posts have been removed.

The problem with them was that it was suggested that Mr. Akin, a fellow blogger, might have fallen into this heresy. In my excitement over the discovery and the interest of the "new" heresy, I stupidly allowed that reference to pass through. I owe Mr. Akin and all who were hurt or offended by that post the most profound apologies. I hope that anyone so harmed will find it in their hearts to forgive me for sinful stupidity. My intent was never to harm to bring harm to a good name. Mr. Akin and I may have a disagreement on the role and nature of contemplation, but such a disagreement is only that. Any implication or statement that Mr. Akin's position on the matter was heretical was both wrong and unfounded.

Once again, my apologies for this offense against the reputation of a good man. As my own imposed penance for so thoughtless an act, I will post only the morning prayer requests for the remainder of the week. Further, I will carefully consider the wisdom and merit of continuing blogging. If I cannot offer courtesy and respect and a comfortable place for all to come, then I accomplish nothing.

My apologies to Mr. Akin and to all of St. Blogs.

Posted by Steven Riddle at July 20, 2004 5:52 PM

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I want to express my sincere appreciation for Steve's apology and his removal of the two posts from his blog.

It is understandable that, when one has just discovered an intersting new thing (such as a heresy one was not previously aware of), one might want to post it and share the newly-discovered concept with the world.

At the same time, it is important not to make or repeat unfounded allegations regarding others. Steve's removal of the relevant posts shows that he understands that, and I would like to say that I am most impressed by the eminently Christian way in which he has dealt with the situation.

I also think he is being rather too hard on himself. I wouldn't encourage him to do penance, much less to reconsider whether to continue blogging. He has dealt with the situation as a Christian gentleman, and I for one consider the matter closed--and with no hard feelings.

Also, FWIW, I don't have reason to think that we are in disagreement over the value of contemplation in the Church. My purpose in the article discussed was to stress that a meditative spirituality needs to be *complemented* by evangelization--not that the two were mutually exclusive. In fact, the need for a balance between different modes of spiritual activity was the central point of the article.

Hope this clarifies matters. My thanks to Steve, and God blessings to all!

Posted by: Jimmy Akin at July 20, 2004 6:52 PM

Dear Mr. Akin,

What a gentleman you are. Thank you so much for your kindness, your courtesy, and your own very Christian conduct in the matter.

More than that, thank you for the insight into the article in question.

Your generosity is an example to us all. Thank you.



Posted by: Steven Riddle at July 20, 2004 7:01 PM