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June 3, 2004

Prayer Requests 3 June 2004-Memorial of Charles Lwanga and the Martyrs of Uganda

Symbolically, this crime also reveals that a simple and rough way of life--enriched by many fine human qualities yet enslaved by its own weakness and corruption--must give way to a more civilized life where in the higher experessions of the mind and better social conditions prevail. Homily at the canonization of the Martyrs of Uganda--Pope Paul VI (Office of Readings for the Day)


Please continue to pray for Dylan

Please pray for Samuel (and family) who is running one of those childhood fevers that seem never to end--he seems fine but for the fever, neither of his parents are faring any too well.

For the success of the next attempt at the Kairos ministry out in California

Please pray for Katherine who is with child once again and who is suffering terribly from some of the bodily occurrences that accompany pregnancy.

Please pray for me as I go through an extended process of discernment and listening.

Please remember Mary Lou's daughter Teresa who is a newborn who is not feeding well and not gaining the weight she should be

A special request from a gentleman battling a particularly troublesome and besetting sin for grace and help as he continues forward.

For Christine, Gordon, Heather, and Ray as they set up house and get used to new surroundings.

For those struggling against self to attain holiness, that the Good Lord will raise up new Saints for our times, visible beacons that draw all people toward Christ.

For Father Joe who has left the active ministry of Priesthood after a number of difficult experiences, for discernment, strength, and a renewal of heart, mind, and spirit

For all those in the process of discerning vocations to the religious life, for guidance, prudence and good counsel

For our children, that they grow up in security, comfort, and the certain knowledge that they are loved and that they be released from any bonds of darkness, fear, anger, or sadness that bind and threaten them

For Amanda and the success of her book-designing business

For all those living under the curse of generational sins, that they may have protection and the inheritance of the past may be made void in their lives.

For all who are suffering from marital problems, most particularly those in our own families or communities, that the Lord may intervene and remind them that a marriage is of three persons.

For mothers and families that struggle with autism and autistic-related disabilities: particularly for M'Lynn, Melissa, Christine, and Betty.

For families that desire more children

For the conversion or return of spouses and loved ones to the Catholic Church, most particularly for Amanda's husband

For the men and women of the American Armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and for their families, may the Good Lord provide sustenance, support, compassion, and love that these separated families might continue to grow in strength and love.

Special Prayer Projects:

(1) Chris Keith, the young lady whose biopsy went poorly got the results of that biopsy--carcinoma of the liver. The cancer is metastatic from colon cancer. Surgery has taken place to treat the colon cancer.

I paraphrase her mother:

"We [members of the family] are standing on the Rock and are rock solid. We are all okay and we are looking for a few prayer warriors to help us in this battle." Because this mother means so much to me for the great good she has done for my friends, I plan to stand with her and her family in this battle, and I invite you all to join me. Expect to hear about this on and off over the next few months.

(2) For Katherine and Franklin, Janet and Louis, Peter Kucera, and for all who are seeking employment and suffering through difficult times as they wait.

(3)Healthy Pregnancies and good and safe deliveries: From Davey's Mom: I am with child once again and could use prayers for a healthy pregnancy. For Suki, for a healthy pregancy and a safe delivery. For JCecil3 and Wife. For Pansy Moss. For Mts. White and child. For Katherine and her friend Corren, both of whom are having difficult pregnancies. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Gerard Majella, pray for us. Blessed Gianna, pray for us.

A very important request from a St. Blogs parishioner--"I found out recently that my friend's sister is pregnant for the fourth time. Her other three children have autism, and I know it would make her very, very happy to have a normal child." Please pray for this poor woman that she might have the joy of a healthy pregnancy and a happy, healthy delivery and new infant. Our Lady of La Leche, pray for us. Our Lady of Guadalupe, pray for us. St. Gerard Majella, Pray for Us.
Blessed Gianna, pray for us.

Posted by Steven Riddle at June 3, 2004 6:48 AM

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This is for June 4th. Excellent reading by Baldwin of Canterbury who was a Cistercian abbot, made a Bishop, leader of third crusade. He died in 1170, inPalestine; as a matter of fact, at Acre, which we Carmelites identify with St. Albert, the provider of our Rule. The reading in today's Office of Reading is one on what St. Teresa of Jesus identified as so important: Discernment. Here it is, especially for those who do not have access to Office of Reading.

The Lord sees our thoughts and the intentions of our hearts

The Lord knows the thoughts and intentions of our hearts. Without a doubt, every one of them is known to him, while we know only those which he lets us read by the grace of discernment. The spirit of man does not know all that is in man, nor all of the thoughts which he has, willingly or unwillingly. Man does not always perceive his thoughts as they really are. Having clouded vision, he does not discern them clearly with his mind’s eye.

Often under the guise of devotion a suggestion occurs to our mind - coming from our own thoughts or from another person or from the tempter - and in God’s eyes we do not deserve any reward for our virtue. For there are certain imitations of true virtues as also of vices which play tricks with the heart and bedazzle the mind’s vision. As a result, the appearance of goodness often seems to be in something which is evil, and equally the appearance of evil seems to be in something good. This is part of our wretchedness and ignorance, causing us anguish and anxiety.

It has been written: There are paths which seem to man to be right, but which in the end lead him to hell. To avoid this peril, Saint John gives us these words of advice: Test the spirits to see if they are from God. Now no one can test the spirits to see if they are from God unless God has given him discernment of spirits to enable him to investigate spiritual thoughts, inclinations and intentions with honest and true judgement. Discernment is the mother of all the virtues; everyone needs it either to guide the lives of others or to direct and reform his own life.
In the sphere of action, a right thought is one ruled by the will of God, and intentions are holy when directed single-mindedly toward him. In a word, we could see clearly through any action of ours, or into our entire lives, if we had a simple eye. A simple eye is an eye, and it is simple. This means that we see by right thinking what is to be done, and by our good intention we carry it out with simple honesty, because deceitful action is wrong. Right thinking does not permit mistakes; a good intention rules out pretence. This then is true discernment, a combination of right thinking and good intention.

Therefore, we must do all our actions in the light of discernment as if in God and in his presence.

Posted by: Gerald Alford at June 4, 2004 4:42 AM