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April 29, 2004

Prayer Requests 4/29/04

Exalt the Lord our God;
bow down before his holy mountain
for the Lord our God is holy. (psalm 99)


Please continue to pray for Dylan

A special request from a gentleman battling a particularly troublesome and besetting sin for grace and help as he continues forward.

Please pray for Franklin's father, Bill, who is still is assisted living

For Christine, Gordon, Heather, and Ray as they travel to their new home and make new friends; for Samuel, my wife, and me, as we mourn the increase of in distance of such good friends.

Marilyn requests prayers: (1)Please pray for Kira My 10 month old granddaughter. She is very very ill and is in the childrens Hospital in Seattle Washington. Please pray for Kira, her mother Jodi, her father Les and her big brother Jakob who is only seven and very concerned.

(2) Please pray for Lisa Higbee of St Brendan's Catholic church in Bothell Washington. She is the Mother of 3 boys and has terminal breast cancer. Her time is very short.

Mary asks for prayers for an online friend currently undergoing some hardship.

Lynn (Noli Irritare Leones) requests: "Could you also pray for my coworker's family? His wife just had triplets, one stillborn and the other two premature and currently in the NICU."

For Franklin for special intentions and for Katherine and the children in this difficult time for the family.

Third Order Carmelite Nancy W. from Kansas City has just had back surgery. It is thought the surgery went well; however, she is in a lot of pain. Please pray that medications will help with the pain and that she will not become addicted to them. Also please pray that she will receive a complete healing and be relieved of pain.

For those struggling against self to attain holiness, that the Good Lord will raise up new Saints for our times, visible beacons that draw all people toward Christ.


Please continue to pray for Dylan

A special request from a gentleman battling a particularly troublesome and besetting sin for grace and help as he continues forward.

Please pray for Franklin's father, Bill, who is still is assisted living

For Christine, Gordon, Heather, and Ray as they travel to their new home and make new friends; for Samuel, my wife, and me, as we mourn the increase of in distance of such good friends.

Marilyn requests prayers: (1)Please pray for Kira My 10 month old granddaughter. She is very very ill and is in the childrens Hospital in Seattle Washington. Please pray for Kira, her mother Jodi, her father Les and her big brother Jakob who is only seven and very concerned.

(2) Please pray for Lisa Higbee of St Brendan's Catholic church in Bothell Washington. She is the Mother of 3 boys and has terminal breast cancer. Her time is very short.

Mary asks for prayers for an online friend currently undergoing some hardship.

Lynn (Noli Irritare Leones) requests: "Could you also pray for my coworker's family? His wife just had triplets, one stillborn and the other two premature and currently in the NICU."

For Franklin for special intentions and for Katherine and the children in this difficult time for the family.

Third Order Carmelite Nancy W. from Kansas City has just had back surgery. It is thought the surgery went well; however, she is in a lot of pain. Please pray that medications will help with the pain and that she will not become addicted to them. Also please pray that she will receive a complete healing and be relieved of pain.

For those struggling against self to attain holiness, that the Good Lord will raise up new Saints for our times, visible beacons that draw all people toward Christ.

Posted by Steven Riddle at April 29, 2004 6:28 AM

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