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March 24, 2004

Added to the Book List

I've added three books to the list, which just means it takes that much longer to get through any one of them. Some stall out, others move forward. However, these books are really interesting:

Finite and Eternal Being St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein)--Said to be a study of the concepts of Potency and Act in Thomist Philopsophy. My wife opened randomly to a page and started reading and then laughing hysterically. She read the sentence and asked whether (1) it was in English and (2) how one could parse the sentence to make any sense of it. I replied that that's what you get for picking a sentence from the middle of a book, but it did give me pause.

Soul Making Alan Jones--I'm pursuing this one with the Monday Evening Fellowship group I attend. I have some real doubts about it--an attempt to conflate psychoanalysis and desert spirituality with Rahner, Schillebeeckx, and any number of Zen sounding would-be desert dwellers.

The Science of the Cross St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross--Magnificent from the first word on. Meant to share from it this morning, but don't have the text with me. My apologies. But a profound study of St. John of the Cross and his understanding of the Cross. Contrary to popular legend, the book is complete. While it might not be in exactly the form St. Teresa Benedicta would have it, had she seen it through to publication, it is in all essentials a complete version of what her thought on the matter was.

Posted by Steven Riddle at March 24, 2004 7:29 AM

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