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February 2, 2004

The Provincial Visitator

This weekend we had a visit from our Provincial Visitator, Sister Libby Dahlstrom. She visits about once a year usually in January or February. Wonderful lady with a wonderful message from our Provincial Delegate about how to run our meetings and the true focus of Carmelite Spirituality.

As part of the meeting we gather for Mass before hand. This mass was something special--there were two priests I had never seen before celebrating. They looked vaguely familiar, but it was only after one of them launched into his homily that I realized why. These two priests were part of the Grey Friars here attending on Father Groeschel. It was a blessing to see them and to hear about how Fr. Groeschel was doing (recovering well and picking up speed.)

This young priest had been ordained only about nine months ago and he was accompanied by another young priest or deacon. There may be a vocation crisis, but when I see the strength of some orders and some places, I tend to doubt it.

Posted by Steven Riddle at February 2, 2004 7:37 AM

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