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January 7, 2004

Present Non-Comprehesive Reading List

For those who care (and I know I'm always interested in the readings of others):

Our Lady of the Forest David Guterson (a book-group read)

Death Comes for the Archbishop (The other book-group)

Shadows over Baker Street Hommage? Pastiche? I don't know, but it is pure fluff and I'm enjoying it (a lot).

A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist Abbot Vonier (see below)

Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger Ronald Sider

The Company of the Commited Elton Trueblood

The Politics of Jesus John Howard Yoder

Utopia Lincoln Child (more mindless fluff by part of the team that gave you The Relic and Cabinet of Curiosities)

Digital Fortress by the much reviled Dan Brown--sorry folks, I just like his (lack of) style and can't get all that worked up over the content of any of his work. A cursory glance at Angels and Demons (which I enjoyed tremendously even with its evil renegade--oops, better not say too much--almost a spoiler there--suffice to say that we have a magnetic bottle of antimatter in St. Peter's Square--the bottle is deteriorating.) reveals that Brown is not so much anti-Catholic as completely ignorant and led by his sources.

Born Again Chuck Colson

Just as I Am Billy Graham

Roman Triptych His Holiness John Paul II (Fourth time through this, and praised as poetry by no less that Czeslaw Milosz. I hadn't been overwhelmed by the Holy Father's Poetry before, although I found it pleasant and sometimes inspiring, but this book simply blows me away every time I open it--Thanks D.)

Okay, it's a checkered list and doesn't include everything. I'm still struggling through M. Garrigou-Lagrange and of course a host of others, but this should suffice to whet anyone's appetite for more. And perhaps I'll talk about them after I've read them. Though Lee Ann and T.S. are so much better at that than I am, perhaps I'll leave it to them.

Posted by Steven Riddle at January 7, 2004 5:54 AM

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