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January 15, 2004

Prayer Request 1/15/04


Franklin's father came through the angioplasty well. He'll be released to a rehabilitiation center shortly. Please continue to pray for Bill, Franklin, and the whole family.


A special request--por favor, le ruego una oracion por la proteccion de mis hijos Michael y Francis, que la Virgen los guie siempre y que me ilumine para ser una buena madre.Gracias con todo mi corazon. Antonia (I cannot translate this request in its entirety, but it appears to be a request for prayers for Antonia's sons Michael and Francis--further clarification would be appreciated. Does it request for guidance and illumination so that Antonia might be a good mother? I do know that we are thanked with all her heart.

Please pray for St. Joseph's youth group and their upcoming summer trip, including the planning.  Please pray for all who God wants to come to fill our three buses and especially for Gina, Ann, Fr. Piche, Fr. Wilson and the other priest - for protection and for a fruitful trip. 

For Father Benedict Groeschel, for complete recovery

For Linda who will have to have some surgery to help correct the problem that has led to so much illness.

For Audrey, who is battling anorexia, and to her family which is suffering through very difficult times.

For Grace Enriquez, director of my Carmelite community, for rapid and complete recovery from her surgery of 6 January 2004.

Continued prayers for Christine's father that he effect a complete recovery from his recent crisis.

For T.S. O'Rama's Grandmother who is experiencing a very difficult change in living arrangements

For Jeanetta's friend Mike who is battling non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma

For Dylan's return to health and return to us.

For Karen Marie Knapp as she recovers from her recent hospitalization.

For the men and women of the American Armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and for their families, may the Good Lord provide sustenance, support, compassion, and love that these separated families might continue to grow in strength and love.

Special Prayer Projects:

(1) Chris Keith, the young lady whose biopsy went poorly got the results of that biopsy--carcinoma of the liver. The cancer is metastatic from colon cancer. Surgery has taken place to treat the colon cancer.

I paraphrase her mother:

"We [members of the family] are standing on the Rock and are rock solid. We are all okay and we are looking for a few prayer warriors to help us in this battle." Because this mother means so much to me for the great good she has done for my friends, I plan to stand with her and her family in this battle, and I invite you all to join me. Expect to hear about this on and off over the next few months.

(2) For Katherine's Mom as she undergoes chemotherapy--that the treatment is successful and her mother comes through this ordeal with a deeper sense of God's abiding love for her.

(3) For Katherine and Franklin, Janet and Louis, Bill Doran, and for all who are seeking employment and suffering through difficult times as they wait.

(4)Healthy Pregnancies and good and safe deliveries: From Davey's Mom: I am with child once again and could use prayers for a healthy pregnancy. For Suki, for a healthy pregancy and a safe delivery. For Ashli and her child that doctors may find a way to help her carry her young one to term.

Posted by Steven Riddle at January 15, 2004 11:25 AM

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A special request--por favor, le ruego una oracion por la proteccion de mis hijos Michael y Francis, que la Virgen los guie siempre y que me ilumine para ser una buena madre.Gracias con todo mi corazon. Antonia
translation "Please, requesting a prayer for the protection of my children Michael and Francis, that the Virgin will always guide them, and that she (the Virgin) will light my path to be a good mother. Thank you with all my heart."
hope this helps!
most of my Spanish is medical and baby having Spanish, but for 3 years I lived in a Parish that had 5 Spanish masses and only 2 in English (in the barrios of Los Angeles).

Posted by: alicia the midwife at January 15, 2004 6:40 PM

There is updated information and a special prayer request for Fr. Benedict Groeschel at www.franciscanfriars.com. Please go there today and pray!

Posted by: Katherine at January 16, 2004 9:22 AM


Thanks. That's what I made of it; however, that is from cognates in French and Latin and a very little Spanish--so the grammar is somewhat unfamiliar. When I post again on Monday, I'll include both versions.



Posted by: Anonymous at January 16, 2004 1:09 PM