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January 8, 2004

A Perfection of Signification: More From Abbot Vonier

I have really been enjoying this book and learning a tremendous amount about theology of the Eucharist. At least it is a beginning. I know that I'll have to temper it with other things--but this acts as a kind of "outline" of the issues. If you haven't looked into such things in depth, you might find the book an interesting beginning. It isn't terribly difficult to read, but it goes slowly because each chapter is a stunning revelation.

from A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist
Abbot Vonier

[long Latin quotation of St. Thomas Aquinas with accompanying translation omitted--but worthy of attention]

Every sacrament, then, has something to declare: it recalls the past, it is the voice of the present, it reveals the future. If the sacrament did not fulfill its function of sign proclaiming something which is not seen, it would not be a sacrament at all. It can embrace heaven and earth, time and eternity, because it is a sign; were it only a grace it would be no more that the gift of the present hour; but being a sign the whole history of the spiritual world is reflected in it: "For as often as you shall eat this bread and drink the chalice, you shall show the death of the Lord, until He come." What Saint Paul says of the Eucharist about its showing forth a past event is true in other ways of every other sacrament. (p. 14)

Abbot Vonier goes on to elucidate what exactly is revealed of the past, present, and future in the sign of the Eucharist. And he makes an exceedingly important point that the Eucharist is indeed a sign in the fullest sense of what a sign is because what it signifies, it brings about.

Wonderful, wonderful food for reflection. I have been blessed by reading just a little of this book. And glancing through the rest, it is exciting, challenging, interesting, and informative. I will continue to share on and off as I continue to read.

Posted by Steven Riddle at January 8, 2004 9:04 AM

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I will continue to share on and off as I continue to read.

Please do.

Posted by: goodform at January 8, 2004 12:13 PM

Steven, where did you find this book? I am always hungry for anything about the Eucharist--I know my union with God will not come about through "knowing", but that does not lessen my thirst to deepen my human understnading of this greatest Treasure.

Posted by: Denise at January 9, 2004 3:33 PM

Dear Denise,

It's in the first post about this book, but I should probably make sure to include the address with each of the review pieces I do--


Zaccheus Press is a relatively new publisher dedicated to producing (from my experience with this book) high quality-high interest books for Catholic readers.

I cannot say how much I am enjoying and loving this book. Almost every line is informative and/or surprising. (Of course, considering the extent of my ignorance in some things, that should not come as a surprise). It's presently their only publication, but I'm trying to drum up interest so that this press can survive and produce other worthwhile works.

Please visit them and let them know I sent you along.



Posted by: Steven Riddle at January 9, 2004 3:47 PM

You have certainly piqued my curiosity on this book. I have a rather large "to be read" list right now, but I think I will have to add this one anyway. Thanks!

Posted by: Erik Keilholtz at January 12, 2004 1:19 AM