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October 7, 2003

Housekeeping and Maintenance Items

I have been doing a fair amount of editing and categorizing of previous posts. Most of these include posts from the archives and I have noticed a disconcerting tendency for the titles of the posts to be deficient in certain information. In many cases one could spend an hour analyzing the title to try to figure out what it was I was likely to be telling everyone and not come even close. Thus, I've determined to try to make my titles more informative, but hopefully no less interesting. This will give those of you who have expressed a passionate dislike of poetry, mine and otherwise, a chance to escape before you have read too much. I will not eschew the humorously, sly, or ironic when appropriate, but I do hope that I have learned something from all this editing I've been doing, and I trust that it will better serve the readers of this blog.

Posted by Steven Riddle at October 7, 2003 5:42 PM

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Most excellent sir,

I hope you don't mean to reduce the poetry posts. They're vital!

Posted by: Gregg the obscure at October 7, 2003 6:22 PM