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August 4, 2003

Something a Little Bit Scary

Something a Little Bit Scary

Please pray for me in my capacity as Regional Formation Director. At our meeting Saturday I had a number of people come to me and request my assistance as a spiritual guide/director. I do not know if this is within my capacity. Certainly I can listen and pray with people, but whether or not I can guide them, I cannot know. Whether I am being called to this, I do not yet know. I suppose by virtue of being formation director, there is at least the implication of that--but it is frightening and sobering. A friend commented that "Just because you can't follow your own advice doesn't mean you can't advise with authority." Hardly a ringing endorsement.

Anyway, please pray for anyone who consults me that I might at least direct them somewhere where they can truly get the assistance they need to progress in the spiritual life.

This is utterly unexpected, but then, I am sensing a complete transformation of the group as we move forward in study that is really an amazing evidence of the Holy Spirit at work. Each member of this group has the potential to become a real spiritual dynamo--I am constantly amazed at the integrity and the real power of prayer this group displays. I am humbled to be part of it. God is moving in His own way, and I am privileged to be witnessing it and participating in it. (Or, at a minimum, I am at least not getting in the way.)

Posted by Steven Riddle at August 4, 2003 9:00 AM