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June 22, 2003

An Addendum to Lee Ann

Who recently republished a very lengthy and good series of posts on poetry, the majority of which I concur with.

However, the list of worthwhile poets (extending back to Blake) probably needs qualification because it excludes the now infamous, and not lately mentioned Glorious Seventeenth Century.

So to Lee Ann's group of necessary, interesting, and powerful poets we add the following:

John Donne--surprisingly modern in his concerns, some techniques and concerns. And yet stolidly metaphysical in rejecting the spirit/body dichotomy espoused by the Puritans and so blatantly affecting culture today and making it the somewhat schizophrenic qualities it has.

Henry Vaughn What can one say about the poet who "saw eternity the other night, like a ring of pure and endless light."

Richard Crashaw

Oh, let's face it-- the entire Luminarium set.

Posted by Steven Riddle at June 22, 2003 8:29 AM