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February 5, 2003

Announcements and Apologies First, my

Announcements and Apologies

First, my apologies to everyone, both visitors here and people on whose blogs I commented yesterday. I did not realize the state of exhaustion I was suffering until I practically fell asleep in my dinner plate. If what I said was curt, dull, or just plain incomprehensible, chalk it up to talk while sleeping.

Second, for those for whom it matters--this is the first Wednesday of the month.

Finally, I have no intention of either stopping nor even of slowing down what transpires at this blog. I learn a tremendous amount and I am deeply rewarded for the effort in any number of intangible ways. Further, it gives me a much larger extended family to pray for, and thus I can make myself useful in addition to being such a nuisance.

Posted by Steven Riddle at February 5, 2003 7:34 AM