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December 11, 2002

On William Law I bring

On William Law

I bring up William Law in the light of my last post and in light of the fact that Dylan of recent date has very generously provided some excerpts of his work .

Law was tutor to the children of the notoriously anti-Christian Edward Gibbon, who found much to recommend about Christianity in the person of this tutor. His works tend to be Anglo-Catholic/Catholic Friendly, or perhaps better stated, "Mere Christianity." And his insights are the insights of the ages, of mystics and of saints who have grown close to God through prayer and trial. Were he not of another communion, it is likely that Mr. Law would be considered a blessed or perhaps even a Saint of the Catholic Church. I encourage all to read the excerpts provided, and if they appeal, one can partake of complete works at the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. (The entire Christian Community owes a great debt of gratitude to Mr. Harry Plantinga for the effort that went into producing this wonderful site. Mr. Plantinga is one member of a very distinguished family of (?)Evangelical Protestants that includes Alvin Plantinga--a philosopher (some of his work is available through the LeaderU site), and Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. (author of a magnificent book, Not the Way It's Supposed to Be subtitled A Breviary of Sin)).

Posted by Steven Riddle at December 11, 2002 8:23 AM